Notice of Public Hearing

 Zoning Board of Adjustment

Town of Greenfield, NH

Public Notice


A public hearing (Case 2017-02) will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. for a Variance as specified in the Zoning Ordinance.  A variance is requested from Article F, Section III of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a small shed within less than the proposed setbacks.

Property Location:      204 New Boston Road (Map R9, Lot 25-4).

Owner:                         Karl Anderson

Applicant:                    Same

Zoning Ordinance Section III, F.  General Residence District:

3. There shall be between the nearest side of any public highway and the extreme front of any building a yard having a minimum depth of one hundred (100’) feet. There shall be between the side and rear borders of any lot and the nearest part of any building a yard of not less than fifty (50’) feet. There is, however, an exception to these setback requirements. For lots smaller than two acres in area and deemed conforming per the following paragraph 4, setback requirements will be reduced in proportion to the actual lot size divided by the minimum lot size, however, in no case will setbacks be less than 30 feet at the front and 20 feet at the sides and rear. No building addition shall have to be set back from the lot line any further than any existing building on the lot.

John Gryval


Zoning Board of Adjustment

October 25, 2017