Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Town of Greenfield

7 Sawmill Road, Greenfield, NH 03047

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, July 23, 2020 – 4:30 PM


Selectboard: Chairwoman Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectwoman Karen Day, Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator; Bill Nichols, Moderator; David Martin, EMD;

Public: Kent and Pelagia Vincent

Documents for Review/Approval:

  1. Payroll Manifest – 7/24/2020
  2. Selectboard Minutes – 7/16/2020

Items for Discussion/Signature in the Public Session:

4:30 PM: Virtual Meeting Open – Dial In 1+717-275-8940

The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm. Chairwoman Charig Bliss welcomed everyone to the virtual Selectboard meeting. Chairwoman Charig Bliss opened the meeting and read a statement provided by the Attorney General’s office regarding virtual meetings. “As Chair of the Selectboard, I find that due to the State of Emergency declared by the Governor as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with the Governor’s Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, this public body is authorized to meet electronically.

Please note that there is no physical location to observe and listen contemporaneously to this meeting, which was authorized pursuant to the Governor’s Emergency Order. However, in accordance with the Emergency Order, I am confirming that we are providing public access to the meeting by telephone.  We are currently working on providing additional access possibilities by video or other electronic means, however, we are a small town and that is not feasible for tonight’s call.

We are utilizing for this electronic meeting. All members of the Board have the ability to communicate contemporaneously during this meeting through this platform, and the public has access to contemporaneously listen and, if necessary, participate in this meeting through dialing the access number posted online or by following the directions on the Meeting Instructions link from the Selectboard’s page on the website. The Website address is

We previously gave notice to the public of the necessary information for accessing the meeting, including how to access the meeting telephonically. If there are problems with access, please email the Town Administrator and he will attempt to help you in real time. In the event the public is unable to access the meeting, the meeting will be adjourned and rescheduled.

Please note that all votes that are taken during this meeting shall be done by roll-call vote.

Let’s start the meeting by taking a roll-call attendance. When each member states their presence, please also state whether there is anyone in the room with you during this meeting, which is required under the Right-to-Know law. “

Each selectperson noted that they were alone. The Selectboard members are each home and alone, EMD Martin is home in his office and the Town Administrator is in his office at home and is alone.

The Chair stated:  “at this point I would ask that everyone mute their phones by pressing * (star) 6 (six). If there isn’t time for your questions tonight, you can email the Town Administrator and request to be on the agenda during the next meeting. If you have technical difficulties on your end with your computer, laptop, or other electronic device email the Town Administrator if you having trouble connecting in real-time and we’ll try to be of help.

Gov. Sununu’s Emergency Order #16 has been lifted however, given the headlines where other States are pulling back from re-opening and the virus appears to be surging in many areas, there is a risk that the Selectboard cannot ignore. For the foreseeable future the Board will continue to meet by conference call as a result. We'll ask that - to the extent possible - you submit your questions/concerns/comments to the Town Administrator via email in advance so we can have answers ready. Remember to charge whatever device you are using in advance of the meeting. I can assure you everyone in your town government is doing everything in their capacity to ensure your safety, their safety and Greenfield's future. With that said, I would invite participants to bring issues before the Board.”

4:35 PM: David Martin, Emergency Management Director

At 4:35pm, the Selectboard heard from David Martin, EMD. Mr. Martin provided an overview of several sanitizing technologies under discussion by the Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT). Mr. Martin updated the Board regarding the ozone generator that was purchased with CARES act funds. The ozone generator has been received and the Fire Department is in the process of putting together a documented schedule for its use. Mr. Martin talked about the possibility that the generator could be tested on small rooms at the Fire Station and that personnel could be provided with ozone badges to measure personal exposure levels. The difference between a vehicle and a medium to large room will be in the number of hours that the machine needs to run. The initial use is likely to be with the ambulance.

Mr. Martin provided an overview of the HEPA filter technology. Selectman Marshall stated that he has found filter technology that is effective against viruses on Amazon. The Board and Mr. Martin discussed putting the filter systems into the forced hot air ducts at the Meeting House and the Library. Mr. Martin explained that filters and UVC lighting can be installed to handle Covid-19There was a discussion on stand-alone filter systems in each of the offices and the public space at the Town Office. The Town Office has a boiler and radiators and requires a different approach than the Meeting House.

In closing, EMD Martin outlined several thoughts on the recycling center, the town office cleaning contract, and a request that a link for absentee ballots be included on the website.

5:00 PM: Bill Nichols, Moderator

At 5:03, the Selectboard held a brief discussion with the Moderator regarding the upcoming election season. Moderator Nichols provided an update on the Secretary of State’s progress with election issues. He noted that while they are working hard on many fronts, there is not much that is known from the State, in terms of guidance with regards to Covid-19. A discussion on PPE was held and EMD Martin provided an update to the Moderator on his stockpile of masks and gloves that are available for the elections. A discussion followed regarding the use of absentee ballots and the Moderator referred questions on absentee ballots to the Town Clerk. It’s the understanding of the Selectboard that the Clerk will be providing an article for the upcoming Spirit that covers the absentee ballot process so that residents will know how to apply for one. A discussion followed on whether the EMRT was providing guidance on how to handle elections with respect to the Meeting House forced hot air furnaces. EMD Martin clarified that he was bringing forward talking points for the Board to consider but his recommendation is to speak with an expert regarding HVAC and mitigating Covid-19.

5:45 PM: Kent and Pelagia Vincent, residents

Kent and Pelagia Vincent came before the Board to follow-up on a Selectboard meeting. The Vincents have questions about a gravel area off of Zephyr Lake Road, which will require following up with the DPW for more information. The Vincents outlined their interest in volunteering to collect water samples at Zephyr Lake for testing by the town. The Vincents heard a report on the beaver dam at Zephyr Lake. At 6:09 the Selectboard thanked the Vincents for their offer to help test the lake water and promised to follow-up on the other concerns.

6:15 PM: Selectboard Business Meeting

The Chair reviewed the Consent Agenda. Selectwoman Day made a motion to accept and approve a Payroll manifest dated 7/24/2020 in the amount of $27,284.26. The motion was seconded by Selectman Marshall. On a roll-call vote the Board voted 3-0 in favor of approving the Payroll manifest of 7/24/2020.

The Selectboard discussed the minutes of 7/16 and Selectman Marshall proposed that the minutes be accepted for approval, seconded by Selectwoman Day. The Chair called for a roll-call vote and it passed 3-0 in favor.

Next the Selectboard heard that the Town Administrator had recently passed a Certified Public Manager Course, Level 1 /Certified Public Supervisor. Level II will provide a certificate as a Certified Public Manager. The course was previously approved by the Board and the Board confirmed their continued support.

Next, the Chair noted that he had several items for review by the Board. The Library has submitted a wage increase for Director Bridgewater based on merit. The Selectboard provides the approval for the release of the funds from the general fund and did not comment on the Trustees affairs. As such the Board voted on a roll-call vote on a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectwoman Day, 3-0 in favor.

A discussion followed about preparations in town buildings for an eventual opening up. A conversation followed about effective measures in the workplace. The Selectboard requested that an HVAC specialist be consulted about recommendations for the buildings. Selectboard Marshall stated that he was concerned about having enough airflow in the buildings given the pandemic.

The Selectboard discussed the upcoming Spirit newsletter. The Board discussed the upcoming elections and it was noted that the Town Clerk has an article and two flyers running in the Spirit to help explain the election process this year. The Board discussed whether or not to include a copy of an absentee ballot and are in favor of doing so. Selectwoman Day will forward a copy of the Spirit in advance of the next meeting for review.

The Selectboard noted that a member of the Police Department is retiring effective September 30th. Glenn Roberge has been with the town for many years. The Board discussed ways in which they could show their appreciation despite the limitations of the pandemic.

 Selectman Marshall stated he would like to see a team meeting at some point with all staff to thank them for their hard work during the global pandemic. Mr. Marshall left to go to a Selectmen’s Advisory Committee Meeting.

There being no further business the Board voted to adjourn


At 8:05pm, Selectwoman Day made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by the Chair. The motion carried 2-0 in a roll-call vote.