Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 7, 2020


Town of Greenfield

7 Sawmill Road, Greenfield, NH 03047

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, May 07, 2020 – 5:30 PM


Selectboard: Chairwoman Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectwoman Karen Day, Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator; Rick McQuade, Fire Chief, DPW B&G; David Martin, EMD; Diane Boilard, Deputy EMD; Katherine Heck, Treasurer


Documents for Review/Approval:

  1. A/P Check Register – 5/06/2020
  2. Selectboard Minutes – 4/30/2020

Items for Discussion/Signature in the Public Session:

  1. Emergency Responder Stipends – State of NH GOFERR
  2. CARES ACT – Reimbursements for COVID-19 expenses
  3. FEMA Reimbursement
  4. Revised LLA – Stephenson Memorial Library

5:30 PM: Virtual Meeting Open – Dial In 1+717-275-8940

The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm. Chairwoman Charig Bliss welcomed everyone to the virtual Selectboard meeting. Chairwoman Charig Bliss opened the meeting and read a statement provided by the Attorney General’s office regarding virtual meetings. “As Chair of the Selectboard, I find that due to the State of Emergency declared by the Governor as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with the Governor’s Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, this public body is authorized to meet electronically.

Please note that there is no physical location to observe and listen contemporaneously to this meeting, which was authorized pursuant to the Governor’s Emergency Order. However, in accordance with the Emergency Order, I am confirming that we are providing public access to the meeting by telephone.  We are currently working on providing additional access possibilities by video or other electronic means, however, we are a small town and that is not feasible for tonight’s call.

We are utilizing for this electronic meeting. All members of the Board have the ability to communicate contemporaneously during this meeting through this platform, and the public has access to contemporaneously listen and, if necessary, participate in this meeting through dialing the access number posted online or by following the directions on the Meeting Instructions link from the Selectboard’s page on the website. The Website address is

We previously gave notice to the public of the necessary information for accessing the meeting, including how to access the meeting telephonically. If there are problems with access, please email the Town Administrator and he will attempt to help you in real time. In the event the public is unable to access the meeting, the meeting will be adjourned and rescheduled.

Please note that all votes that are taken during this meeting shall be done by roll-call vote.

Let’s start the meeting by taking a roll-call attendance. When each member states their presence, please also state whether there is anyone in the room with you during this meeting, which is required under the Right-to-Know law. “

Each selectperson noted that they were alone. EMD David Martin is home alone.

The Chair stated:  “at this point I would ask that everyone mute their phones by pressing * (star) 6 (six). If there isn’t time for your questions tonight, you can email the Town Administrator and request to be on the agenda during the next meeting. If you have technical difficulties on your end with your computer, laptop, or other electronic device email the Town Administrator if you having trouble connecting in real-time and we’ll try to be of help.

Gov. Sununu’s Emergency Order #16 prohibits gatherings greater than 10 people. We'll ask that - to the extent possible - you submit your questions/concerns/comments to the Town Administrator via email in advance so we can have answers ready. Remember to charge whatever device you are using in advance of the meeting. I can assure you everyone in your town government is doing everything in their capacity to ensure your safety, their safety and Greenfield's future. With that said, I would invite participants to bring issues before the Board.”

5:35 PM: David Martin, Emergency Management Director

At 5:35pm, David Martin, EMD came forward regarding a recent meeting of the Greenfield Emergency Response Team (EMRT). Mr. Martin explained that after some further discussion, the EMRT had decided to take the request for a town-wide ordinance to wear masks in public off the table. This is partly due to concerns expressed by the Police Department, and partly due to the process for establishing ordinances and the fact that surrounding towns were not likely to pursue a similar ordinance. Instead Mr. Martin asked the Selectboard to look at establishing policies and guidelines for the public buildings and spaces owned by the Town. This includes the Town Offices. Next Mr. Martin provided an update on measures he believes will be implemented at the Harvester Market. These include masks for staff, and one way traffic arrows, and the potential for occupancy limits.

There followed a discussion about a public trailhead on Mountain Road. The EMRT has discussed the amount of parked vehicles on the road. The Selectboard reported that they will take this up with the Police Department.

A discussion on best practices for mitigating the effects of the coronavirus was held. The discussion ranged over several areas including social distancing, masks and face coverings, safer-at-home, Stay-at-Home 2.0, and concluded with an update from Mr. Martin on the potential for workplace cleaning technologies that filter air, or disrupt the virus through UV.

The Selectboard discussed the Department of Homeland Security/FEMA reimbursement program, the CARES act, and a new program that will provide stipends for first responders. The CARES act will provide up to $42,000 in potential reimbursement for expenses in Greenfield. These funds unfortunately are not able to replace lost revenue. The funds are reimbursement only and there is a real chance that Greenfield will not have qualified reimbursements to that level.

A discussion on the Stipend for First Responder program was held. At the conclusion of the discussion the Selectboard held a vote to support the program. Treasurer Heck explained that there will be significant reductions in revenue, for all towns, according to the New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA). She provided detailed overview of the requirements and how the funding will be tracked. Ms. Heck suggested that the program, if adopted, be paid out once the reimbursement is received from the State. At the conclusion of the discussion, Selectman Marshall made a motion to pursue the Stipend for First Responder program in support of the town’s first responders. The motion received a second from Selectwoman Day. On a roll-call vote the Selectboard voted 3-0 in favor of the Stipend for First Responder program. The Board discussed and agreed that it would review the details about the program at their next meeting.

At the conclusion of the discussion, Mr. Martin thanked the Selectboard for a constructive meeting. EMD David Martin signed off at 6:32pm.

6:30PM: Diane Boilard, Stephenson Memorial Library Trustee Chair

At 6:35pm the Selectboard heard a request from Trustee Boilard to support the Purchase & Sale agreement between the Library and the owners of the Greenfield Inn for a Lot Line Adjustment that would transfer a strip of land, alongside the parking lot, to the Library. A discussion followed. The Chair voiced concern that with the pandemic underway, the town should defer this request until later in the year when the impact of the pandemic on the budget could be better understood. Trustee Boilard reminded the Selectboard members that the Library Trustees have paid $4,000 for a survey of the property in question, representing a significant outlay from their trust fund. She cautioned that there are a number of steps that have to come together in order for this transaction to continue moving forward in order to come to fruition before the end of the year; the Selectboard was in favor of the project at the beginning of the year, and included the ability to transfer funds to a specific line item in the budget. Selectman Marshall stated that he thought the Selectboard had already committed to the project. Trustee Boilard stated that she needed a vote of support for the town’s expenditure so that the Trustees could start working with the Planning Board. Selectwoman Day expressed her support for the project. Treasurer Heck stated that based on the guidance coming out of NHMA, the revenue loss to the town could include up to $155,000 of State revenue alone, and there could be other significant areas of loss as well. She questioned whether it was prudent to put this project forward at this time. Selectman Marshall stated that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to support the library on behalf of all the residents in town. He stated that there are areas in the budget that he felt could cover the loss of revenue. Due to the importance of the project, he stated that he was comfortable taking a risk on this project. The Chair stated that the Board needed to be cautious at this stage; however seeing that two of the Selectboard members were in full support, the Chair called for a vote. Selectman Marshall made a motion to support the Lot Line Adjustment for the Library in order to help the library expand its parking area, and to fund the amount of $10,000 from the budget for this purpose. The motion was seconded by Selectwoman Day. On a roll-call vote the Selectboard voted as follows: Selectman Marshall, Aye; Selectwoman Day, Aye; Chairwoman Charig Bliss, Nay. The Motion therefore carried on a vote of 2-1 in favor.

Trustee Boilard thanked the Selectboard for their support of the project. The conversation with Trustee Boilard ended at 7:03pm.

7:00 PM: Selectboard Business Meeting

At 7:05pm, the Chair noted that there were old business items that needed to be brought forward. The first is a building permit application on a class VI road (Roger’s Road) off of Crotched Mountain Road. A brief discussion followed and the board members agreed that they were ready to vote on the application based on receipt of a guidance letter from the Planning Board and a letter from the Fire Chief regarding access to the property via the Class VI road. Selectman Marshall made a motion that consistent with past practices with similar applications on Class VI roads; the possibility of premature and uneven development, which was highlighted by the Planning Board as not in the best interest of the town; the length of the access to the property being greater than 1000 and likely greater than 1500 feet or more on a Class VI road; the extreme difficulty of providing first responder and emergency services to the property; and the risk to public safety equipment and personnel should a response be needed; and the fact that town zoning does not allow a building permit on a Class VI road, that the Board deny the application. The motion was seconded by Selectwoman Day. On a roll-call vote the Selectboard voted as follows: Selectwoman Day, Aye; Selectman Marshall, Aye; Chairwoman Charig Bliss, Aye. The motion passed to deny the application for the reasons stated.

Next the Chair brought forward a request for ConVal Seniors to post graduation signs on the Common to commemorate their graduation. The Chair made a motion to approve the program. A second was received from Selectman Marshall. On a roll-call vote the Selectboard voted as follows: Selectman Marshall, Aye; Selectwoman Day, Aye; Chairwoman Charig Bliss, Aye. The motion carried 3-0.

The Selectboard reviewed a weekly work log submitted by the DPW Roads department. The Board extended its appreciation to DPW Manager Todd Mason for providing the work update.

Next the Selectboard discussed trailhead parking on Mountain Road where parking along the road is becoming dangerous. A discussion followed and the Selectboard agreed to bring this up with the Police Department to see if there is a need for signs along the road.

There followed a discussion about unleashed dogs at Oak Park. The Board reviewed the Oak Park ordinance and noted that it was silent with respect to leashes. The ordinance states that dogs have to be under control by the owner; however, Selectman Marshall stated the language was probably insufficient to provide for effective enforcement. The Board agreed that unleashed dogs are problematic. Selectwoman Day stated that there should be signs instructing people to clean up after their dogs as well. The Selectboard will discuss with the Police Chief to see if he has any suggestions about the ordinance.

Mason Parker, Planning Board Chair stated that he had dialed into the call to discuss an issue that the Planning Board has with an open application. The application and public hearing have been accepted and heard, however, due to the pandemic the Board has not been able to meet, examine the plats and vote on the application. Mr. Mason stated that he was originally going to try and hold a meeting with the Planning Board members dialing in to a conference platform, however, in this particular instance he reported that all of the board members feel that it is necessary to meet at a physical location to ensure that the plats are completed correctly. This includes those individuals that previously had indicated a preference for virtual meetings due to COVID-19 related safety parameters. He anticipates that for regular Planning Board meetings that they can hold virtual meetings. After some discussion, the Selectboard suggested that the Planning Board meet at the Meeting House, where social distancing could be enforced and provide access to the public on the conference platform. At the conclusion of the discussion, Selectwoman Day made a motion to provide access to the Meeting House, with said access restricted to the Planning Board only, in order to finalize the application before them, and while meeting, the members must wear masks and maintain social distance. The motion received a second from Selectman Marshall. On a roll-call vote the Selectboard members voted as follows: Selectman Marshall, Aye; Selectwoman Day, Aye; Chairwoman Charig Bliss, Aye.

Next the Selectboard discussed a Spirit article dealing with budget and tax issues for the upcoming June/July issue. It was noted that the EMRT is not ready to send out another flyer.

The Chair asked that the Selectboard appoint Ron Lucas to the Cemetery Commission. On a motion by Selectman Marshall and a second by Selectwoman Day, the Board voted on a roll-call vote as follows: Selectman Marshall, Aye; Selectwoman Day, Aye; Chairwoman Charig Bliss, Aye. The motion passed unanimously.

Selectwoman Day made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda items. This includes an A/P Manifest and the minutes of the April 30 Selectboard meeting. Selectman Marshall seconded the motion. On a roll-call vote, the Board voted 3-0 in favor of accepting the Consent Agenda items.


At 8:25pm, Selectman Marshall made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by the Chair. The motion carried 3-0 in a roll-call vote.