Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 14, 2019


Town of Greenfield

Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, November 14, 2019 – 4:00 PM


Selectboard: Chairwoman Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectwoman Karen Day, Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator; Hunter Carbee, Marcia Davis, Roger Lessard, Betsy Hardwick

Public: Gary and Karen Russell

Documents for Review/Approval:

  1. Payroll Check Register – 11/15/2019
  2. ACH Check Register – NH Retirement
  3. Employee Vacation Request - PD
  4. Selectboard Minutes – 11/07/2019
  5. Welfare Voucher

Other letters/ items for Discussion/Signature:

1) George Proctor Town Forest – Timber Bid Spec.

2) Planning Board recommendation letter – Class VI Road Application

3) Planning Board recommendation letter – Downtown Parking           

5:30 PM: Selectboard Work Session - **No Public Forum**

The Selectboard met with the Town Forestry Committee to discuss the George Proctor Town Forest timber cut. The discussion includes a review of the bid specification that was developed by Karla Garland, town forester, and a map of the area. Hunter Carbee, licensed State Forester and Chair of the Town Forest Committee went through a discussion with the Selectboard outlining the property make-up (as provided on the map), the timber quality, wildlife management areas that will be developed and the regeneration of hemlocks in certain areas on the property. The Forestry Committee has received one bid for the logging project, which will be opened during their 6:30pm meeting. After some discussion the Selectboard heard a request from Gary Russell, Chair of the Sportsmen’s Club to allow a clearing on the recreation side of the property (not part of the Town Forest), which the Sportsmen’s Club is proposing to pay for from private funds in order to have space for a clubhouse in the future.

6:00 PM: Police Chief Brian Giammarino – 2020 Police Department Budget

The Selectboard welcomed Chief Giammarino to the meeting. Chief Giammarino provided an outline of the 2020 budget proposal. Chief Giammarino explained his proposed budget, which is 2.5% higher than the 2019 budget primarily for planned salary increases and a small increase to the general supplies line. Chief Giammarino explained that outside of salaries, most of the line items have been held to the same number since he became the police chief. The Selectboard reviewed the budget proposal and asked questions about Part-Time Wages, Overtime Wages, and whether the officers were taking adequate vacation time. A discussion about call-time was held. The Selectboard discussed the possibility of establishing a shared system with another town. The Selectboard held a discussion about speeding signs and encouraged the Chief to bring forth a warrant article for Town Meeting for two speed limit signs.

7:00 PM: Selectboard Work Session Contd.

The Selectboard heard from the Town Administrator that rates for the 2019-2020 health care insurance have been received. The effective rate will be an increase of 4.4% for health insurance if the town stays with its current carrier, and 0% increase for dental, which is part of the same plan. The payment holiday will be significant again this year, with nearly a full month’s holiday. The Selectboard voted on a motion by Selectwoman Day and a second from Selectman Marshall 3-0 to continue with NH School Health Care for employee health and dental insurance.

At 7:15pm the Selectboard discussed a Planning Board advisory letter regarding a building permit application on a Class VI road. The application is complicated by the fact that the Class VI road is reached from another Class VI Road. Following the outline in RSA 674:41, the Selectboard agreed to request an advisory opinion from Emergency Services (Fire Department) and from the Town of Bennington regarding access to the lot, which will come through Bennington.

The Selectboard discussed a Meeting House bond. Selectman Marshall made a report on the progress by the Friends of the Meeting house regarding the Oktoberfest fund raiser.

Next the Selectboard reviewed the Planning Board Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) and reached consensus to include the following amounts in the 2020 Warrant for Capital Reserve Fund savings:

  • Meeting House Capital Reserve Fund (CRF) - $25,000
  • Town Building Maintenance CRF - $15,000
  • Master Plan CRF - $4,000

The Selectboard agreed that there needs to be more information received before a warrant article for the Recycling Center roof can be included in the warrant.

The Selectboard examined their calendars and agreed to hold two meetings during the first week of December. The Board will not meet the week of the Thanksgiving holiday.


At 8:45 pm Selectman Marshall made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by Selectwoman Day. The motion carried 3-0.