Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 6, 2018


Town of Greenfield

Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, December 06, 2018 – 5:30 PM


Selectboard: Chair Robert Marshall, Selectwoman Margaret A. Charig Bliss, Selectwoman Karen Day

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator

Public: Ken Paulsen, Raymond Cilley

Documents for Review/Approval:

Documents List:

  1. A/P Check Register
  2. Transmittal Letter – Fire/Rescue Apparatus CRF Midwest Fire final pmt.
  3. Transmittal Letter – Town Buildings Maintenance CRF
  4. Selectboard Minutes – 11/27 & 11/29
  5. Meeting House Rental
  6. Welfare Letters (3)

Items for Discussion in the Public Session:

            1) Fire/Rescue Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund - Balance

            2) 2019 Groundskeeper Bids – Re-posted

5:30 PM:  Public Forum

At 5:30 pm, Chairman Marshall opened the meeting. It was noted that Ken Paulsen and Ray Cilley were present for the public forum. Mr. Paulsen and Mr. Cilley requested a few minutes to share with the Selectboard a video brochure of the town of Greenfield, which they have been working on for several months. The Selectboard watched a four-minute video, which provides aerial drone video, airplane video, and screen shots of Greenfield. A discussion followed about the branding of Greenfield as a town. The Selectboard agreed to let Mr. Paulsen link the online video with the Town website. The Selectboard discussed having the video shown at Town Meeting.

Next, The Chair invited Mr. Cilley to discuss a lot line issue between the DPW/Recycling Center land and the land owned by American Steel Pre-Cast Erectors (ASPE). Mr. Cilley made some suggestions on a lot line adjustment and the Selectboard agreed to forward his suggestions to Meridian Land Consultants for next steps.

There followed a general discussion about gravel road maintenance, including the possibility of using a Gradall excavator to ditch alongside town roads. This excavator has an articulating bucket. The Chair explained that the Selectboard recently discussed and approved having DPW contract out certain tasks and ditching is a priority in 2019.

A brief discussion with Rick McQuade, DPW Buildings & Grounds Manager about the new ambulance contract was held with Mr. Cilley. The Selectboard explained that Mr. McQuade had recently been chosen for the Fire Chief position starting in January of 2019. At the conclusion of the conversation, the Selectboard thanked Mr. Paulsen and Mr. Cilley for their contribution and video.

The Selectboard began working on the Consent Agenda. The Board voted, on a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectwoman Day to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was approved 3-0 in favor.

6:00 PM: Selectboard Work Session

The Selectboard discussed an invoice from Roberts & Greene for audit services. The line item for audit services will go over budget when the invoice is paid. The Selectboard voted to transfer funds from Personnel Administration contingency in the amount of $1,650 to cover the invoice. The motion was made by the Chair, seconded by Selectwoman Day, and passed on a vote of 3-0.

The Selectboard revisited a discussion on workplace culture. The discussion encompassed statements in the personnel handbook (employee handbook). The Selectboard discussed whether a general statement of culture could be adopted by the municipality’s other Boards and Committees. Lastly the Selectboard discussed the workplace culture with respect to the annual budget. The Selectboard requested that this be placed on the agenda under old business so that it can be tracked during future meetings.

The Selectboard discussed the dedication for Town Report.

The Selectboard discussed the creation of a financial plan that includes the CIP and addresses policies associated with the plan.

Next the Selectboard discussed a recent conversation with Reverend Dan Osgood about the Meeting House sanctuary. The Selectboard indicated a willingness to explore a Memorandum of Understanding in conjunction with the building’s Historic Preservation report.

The Selectboard requested that a non-public meeting be scheduled for December 13th to finalize the Town Administrator’s annual evaluation. The Selectboard requested a copy of the Wage and Salary schedule and a comparison of Town Administrator salaries from other towns, focusing on those towns that were part of the 2016 Hancock wage survey.


At 8:30 pm Selectwoman Day made a motion to adjourn the meeting, the motion was seconded by Selectwoman Charig Bliss, the motion carried 3-0.