Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 13, 2018


Town of Greenfield

Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, September 13, 2018 – 5:30 PM


Selectboard: Chair Robert Marshall, Selectwoman Margaret A. Charig Bliss, Selectwoman Karen Day

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator; Todd Mason, DPW Road Manager; Doug Batty, GFD Grant Writer

Public: Ken Paulsen

Documents for Review/Approval:

  1. A/P Check Register dated 8/29, 8/31, 9/5, 9/12, 9/14
  2. Payroll Check Register dated Sept. 7, 2018
  3. Property Tax Lien – 2017
  4. NH DOS Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Acceptance per RSA 31-95:b in the amount of $7,500
  5. Selectboard Minutes – 8/23/2018
  6. Meeting House Rental
  7. Oak Park Rental (2)
  8. Welfare Letter (7)

5:30 PM: Public Forum

At 5:30 pm Chairman Marshall opened the meeting and noted that there were no members of the public in attendance for the public forum.  The Selectboard began working on the Consent Agenda items.

5:30 PM: Selectboard Work Session

Chairman Marshall recognized Todd Mason, DPW Road Manager. Mr. Mason explained that he had stopped in to see if Selectwoman Charig Bliss had any questions regarding the culvert replacements on New Boston Extension and Dunklee Hill. The Chair invited Mr. Mason to provide an overview to bring the Selectwoman up to date on past discussions. Mr. Mason provided an overview of progress to date on the engineering plan and Department of Environmental Services (DES) application for the culvert on Dunklee Hill Road. Mr. Mason then outlined emergency measures for Dunklee Hill Road, and has scheduled with American Steel to put a steel plate over the culvert for local traffic. Mr. Mason explained that he has had a complaint from a resident that lives on the road that the culvert area has become very difficult despite DPW adding gravel over the top of the culvert. Mr. Mason explained that due to the review process at DES of 75 days, the Dunklee Hill culvert could not be replaced in 2018. He stated that even if the plan is approved, DPW has to order specific sized culvert and piping, which is based on the plan. This adds additional time to the process and that will push the timeframe into 2019. He also stated that he does not intend to put in a warrant article for 2019, but would pay for the culvert out of funds in the DPW Road Maintenance line item.

Next Mr. Mason outlined the meeting with S.R. Jones for Selectwoman Charig Bliss. At the conclusion of the discussion, Selectwoman Charig Bliss expressed she was satisfied with the explanation of the two culverts and was ready to vote on next steps for the New Boston Extension culvert. Selectwoman Day suggested that the Board review whether to waive the purchasing policy as part of the motion to the vote. After some discussion the Selectboard determined that they were satisfied by the quotes received and the recommendation of the DPW Manager. On a motion by Selectwoman Day and a second by Selectwoman Charig Bliss, the Selectboard voted 3-0 in favor of waiving the purchasing policy with regards to the requirement for three bids, noting that the requirements for this culvert are extensive; there is confidence that Greenfield DPW and S.R. Jones can fulfill on the requirements; and the next bidder was greater than fifty thousand dollars. The Chair made a motion to accept the S.R. Jones quote of $25,000 for the replacement of the culvert on New Boston Extension as outlined in the Sandford Engineering plan; included in the motion was the requirement for S.R. Jones to provide a contract and to have said contract reviewed by Town Counsel. Selectwoman Day seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Mason explained that because the replacement culvert is very large and will require disruption to traffic; the road would be posted closed over a period of approximately four days. He said he was hopeful that he could keep the closure of the entire road to a minimum. Mr. Mason also said that he would post the road with signs to let residents and local traffic know well in advance. The Board discussed the impact on traffic from other towns; the Board requested that a letter be sent to Francestown to let their Town Office know that the road will be closed.

Next the Selectboard and Mr. Mason discussed a culvert that runs between the Long Block and the Greenfield Meeting Place. After some discussion the Board requested that Town Counsel provide answers to several questions regarding the town’s potential responsibility, if any, since it sold the property at auction in 2010. The Board requested that the new owner be contacted and invited to meet with the Selectboard.

The Selectboard reviewed the Assistance to Firefighter’s Grant that will install an exhaust system in the fire department bays. The town has been awarded this grant in the amount of $71,429.00 from FEMA. The town will provide a 5% match in the amount of $3,571.00. A public hearing under RSA 31:95-C has been scheduled for 6:30pm on September 27th to accept the grant funds. Doug Batty, Fire Department Grant Writer was on hand and provided details and background on the grant, the application process, and the process to accept and fulfill on the grant requirements. Mr. Batty, who wrote the winning grant application, has experience with government contracting and grant fulfillment. He offered to project manage the installation of the exhaust system. Mr. Batty explained how the funds would be disbursed by FEMA upon the town receiving invoices. He further explained that FEMA intends the invoices to be pre-paid so that the town does not have to float vendor payments by using the town’s cash flow – their turnaround of grant funds is expected to be ten to fourteen days. Mr. Batty then outlined the next steps for the grant process. At the conclusion of the discussion the Board expressed it was satisfied in having Mr. Batty as the Project Manager for the grant and the installation of the exhaust system. Mr. Batty will work with the Selectboard’s office and the Town Administrator to manage the grant and the vendor(s) for the installation of the exhaust system. A discussion followed on the relative timeline for the installation once a vendor was chosen.

Next, the Selectboard discussed the upcoming Greenfield Spirit newsletter. It was noted that there is likely to be a significant impact from the ConVal school budget on the local tax rate this year. The Selectboard deliberated on writing an article to inform residents of the tax impact. It was also noted that the architects for the Greenfield Meeting House historic building assessment (LCHIP Grant) were ready to begin meetings with the public. The Chair explained that he was very interested in the community conversation about how to preserve the Meeting House and that he looked forward to the meetings. It was agreed that an article would be presented in the Spirit after confirming dates and times with the architects. It was also noted that there have been two grants for the Greenfield Fire Department that total greater than $80,000 for the exhaust system and the pre-disaster mitigation planning grant and the Selectboard was interested in ensuring that residents are aware of these awards to the community.

The Selectboard discussed the 2019 budget season that was due to start on Monday, September 17. It was noted that the Board had received a letter from the Welfare Director that the human services budget could go over budget by as much as $5,000 in 2018. The Board reviewed a printed copy of the 2018 budget to date and decided to table further budget conversations for another meeting.

The Chair put forward the Meridian contract to survey the Recycling Center in order to propose a lot line adjustment with American Steel, to rectify the town’s paving over the property line for the recycling center access road. The contract had been approved in March of 2018 but has been pending a discussion on funding. The Board reviewed the contract and the Chair made a motion to accept the proposal with changes to indicate the amount of $3,750.00 as a lump sum for the project and to authorize the Chair to sign the proposal. Selectwoman Day seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-0 to authorize Meridian Land Services LLC to survey the DPW/Recycling Center parcel.

The Selectboard reviewed a request by the Greenfield Harness and Drawbar Club to waive the fees to the Oak Park rental for the upcoming tractor show at Oak Park. It was the consensus of the Selectboard members that the event was an example of the regions cultural heritage that should be preserved, and the Board agreed to waive the fees for the club.

The Selectboard concluded its review and signing of items on the Consent Agenda. On a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectwoman Charig Bliss the Board voted 3-0 in favor of accepting the Consent Agenda items.

The Selectboard received correspondence from Primex regarding that use of volunteers that are willing to provide use of their privately owned equipment such as chain saws, backhoes, loaders, tractors, etc.  Primex representatives replied to a question raised by the Chair regarding the use of such volunteer services. Primex explained that for a municipality the risks are too great and as such the municipality should respectfully decline this type of volunteer service.

Next the Selectboard members held a lengthy discussion about the Fire Chief Search process. Chief Hall has indicated that he will be retiring from his duties as Chief on December 31st, 2018. The Selectboard discussed the recent audit by the Department of Labor and the guidelines that must be followed for employees versus for volunteer firefighters. The Selectboard discussion outlined the need to meet with the Greenfield Fire Department officers, which the Town Administrator has scheduled for September 20th at 7pm.

Lastly, the Selectboard discussed the possibility of joining the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Stephenson Memorial Library, and to split the fee 50-50. At the conclusion of the conversation the Board voted, on a motion by the Chair and a second by the Selectwoman Day, 3-0 to join the Chamber of Commerce 3-0.


At 9:20 pm Selectwoman Charig Bliss made a motion to adjourn the meeting, the motion was seconded by Chairman Marshall, the motion carried 3-0.