Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Town of Greenfield

Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH

Selectboard’s Minutes

Tuesday, November 07, 2017 – 5:30 PM


Selectboard: Chair Margaret A. Charig Bliss, Selectman Stephen Atherton, Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator;


Documents for Review/Approval

  1. A/P Check Register
  2. Minutes of Selectboard Meeting
  3. Welfare

Other Items:

1) Municipal Asset Sale – Opening of Bids (Utility Truck & Trailer)

2) Letter via email from ConVal Super. Kimberly Rizzo Saunders –re: Tax Rate

3) Memo from Treasurer’s Office regarding Wastewater Hearing

4) Monadnock Disposal Service Inc. Agreement for Solid Waste Disposal

5) Greenfield Police Department – Memo re: calls-for-service to Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center (CMRC)

6) Greenfield Firefighters Association Wreath Invoices


5:30 PM: Public Forum

At 5:35 pm Chairwoman Charig Bliss opened the meeting. The Chair noted that there was no public at the public forum session.

The Selectboard began working through the Consent Agenda. The Selectboard voted on the Consent Agenda 3-0 in favor.

6:00 PM: Public Hearing – Wastewater Facility Rates

The Chair announced the public hearing open at 6:00 pm. The Chair provided opening remarks to those present for the public hearing regarding the Wastewater facility’s financial situation. The facility has had expenses greater than its revenues for many years. The wastewater fund account has been reduced during that time due to increases in expenses, repairs, and by an auditor adjustment in 2012. The Chair then opened the meeting to public discussion.

Fred Ierlan asked a question about one of the properties connected to the facility and whether the property pays the sewer rent even though its vacant. Robert Grunbeck asked a question about restaurant seats and whether seating at Delay’s is considered the same type of seating. There followed a general discussion between those present and the Selectboard about the original wastewater set-up and its use of the number of bedrooms to define the expected gallons-per-day calculation. The original engineering design spreads the cost across residential and commercial properties. The facility use is not metered. The projected income at the time of the installation was meant to cover expenses and maintain an account balance sufficient to handle a major repair of the system in the event of a severe failure. The average income is approximately $25,000 per year and the average expense is approximately $28,000 per year based on several years’ data.

Selectman Marshall noted to those assembled that the Treasurer has made recommendations of a 5% increase each year for five years in order to meet expenses and bring the fund back up to its recommended level. There followed a discussion on several items regarding the current expenses. A question about the loans and their length of payback was brought up. Robert Grunbeck asked if the loans could be re-negotiated. The interest rate on the USDA Rural Development loan is 4.25% and the term is for 30 years. It was noted that the Treasurer had provided information regarding a loan through the Municipal Bond Bank (NHMBB). The municipal loan, which is the second of two loans, has a 20 year term and NHMBB has been able to pass on savings to the town as a result of refinancing a portion of its total outstanding debt. NHMBB reported savings of nearly $3,000 on this loan to the town in 2015.

The Board was asked if it had entertained the idea of having a public hearing for abutters that are not currently on the system, in order to discuss having the abutters connect to the system. Robert Grunbeck suggested that the Selectboard look into establishing a policy for the downtown area to mandate connection to the facility for properties close to the system when their septic systems fail. He said that the Board could deny permits for new systems to households and commercial properties if connection to the system is available. Based on the way in which the system is currently paid for, more users would result in a decrease in fees to the people currently on the system. This was followed by a comment on the ‘fairness’ of the design and the question was asked if the Selectboard had done any inspections to ensure that the current allocation was accurate.

There followed a discussion of solar energy and whether the wastewater facility was a site worth pursuing for the installation of solar panels in order to offset the cost of the electricity needed to run the pumps. A discussion followed regarding the question of whether there could be other cost savings at the facility. The group discussed flyers provided by municipal wastewater engineer Matt Miller. The flyers are to educate users on the system that disposable wipes are creating significant issues in the facility and require additional pumping. Grease is also a concern. Mr. Grunbeck stated that the Greenfield Corner Properties company had installed its own grease trap for the restaurant. He suggested that the town should place its flyers in the common area of the apartments at the Meeting Place so that his tenants are educated on the adverse materials that increase costs. The group asked the Selectboard to check for updates on the design parameters to see if there are more up-to-date methods for allocating costs.

The time being 7:03 the Chair thanked the attendees and then closed the public hearing.

A short intermission followed while attendees gathered their coats and left the meeting room.

7:15 PM: Public Hearing – Road Names for Dodge, Gulf and Francestown Roads

At 7:15 it was noted that the time had come to hold a public hearing on the question of re-naming certain roads in town. The Chair opened the public hearing at 7:15pm. The Chair made opening remarks to property owners from Dodge Road, Gulf Road, and the gravel portion of Francestown Road. It was explained that each of these roads has unique issues. Dodge and Gulf Roads are not passable through the middle portion. As a result, access to the property owned by residents and taxpayers requires emergency responders to respond from one end of the road, or the other, depending on the property.  Francestown Road is confusing for a different reason. The road starts out as Rt. 136 but then changes to gravel after a right hand turn. Rt. 136 continues on as Greenfield Road to the Francestown border.

Karen Johnson from Francestown Road stated that she does not want to make a change to the paperwork that is required, which includes legal paperwork such as property deeds. Ms. Johnson moved from another portion of the State and had just gone through that at her former location.

Hugh O’Brien asked a question about Lyndeborough Road and its intersection with Gulf Road. Selectman Marshall answered this question and stated that the portion of Russell Station Road has been there since the 1930s. Selectman Marshall explained that the town has received guidelines from the 911 program and the State as to how road names should be applied so as to avoid confusion. Selectman Marshall acknowledged that previous to the 911 numbering program in the early 2000s, road names were assigned by Selectmen and Road Agents in ways that were not consistent. He noted that in many instances the roads were unnamed; and in order to be included in the Highway Block grant program, for instance, the town had to name the roads. Mr. O’Brien noted that Gulf Road is not actually closed in the middle, it’s not maintained.

James Smith asked why Gulf Road was not maintained. Mr. O’Brien stated that he has never had any issues with the ambulance arriving at his property.

New resident Beau Reynolds asked whether, instead of re-naming the roads, could the issues be solved through better signage. Someone suggested that the roads be re-named Gulf Road East and Gulf Road West.

Lynn Wolaver wanted to know where the Selectboard is with their process. Have decisions been made yet? Will the Selectboard let residents know when they plan to make a decision?

Selectman Marshall stated that the Board realizes that the paperwork involved with a road name change is difficult. The question is not being undertaken lightly, but is based on a conversation with the Fire Chief regarding emergency responders and mutual aid. Mutual Aid involves emergency responders coming from other towns, and those responders are therefore less likely to be familiar with the roads in Greenfield. Selectman Marshall read the 911 guidelines aloud, noting that some of the suggestions made by those present were not part of the best practices. This includes having similar sounding road names delineated by East or West, North or South.

Resident Debbie Ellis stated that there are plenty of municipalities that have north/south designation of road names. She asked why Greenfield couldn’t choose similar names according to the circumstances. She stated that the roads in question are not new roads whereas the 911 program happened 15 years ago.

Laurie May asked if we could check with other towns on their policies.

Selectman Atherton stated that he is not a proponent of changing the road names but the Selectboard is responsible for the compliance side of the issue. He stated that the Selectboard is reviewing and discussing the best practices outlined by the State as part of the compliance requirement.

Susan Gill asked what happens at the Post Office?

Debbie Ellis asked whether Greenfield could add East/West to the names because that wouldn’t require a change to everyone property deeds and all of their personal paperwork such as licenses and passports.

James Smith echoed this sentiment and asked whether the Selectboard could entertain a simple fix. Laurie May asked if the Board could put up signs with the property numbers at each end rather than change the names of the road(s).

Hugh O’Brien noted that Gulf Road used to have ‘Road Closed’ signs. Selectman Marshall agreed and there followed a discussion about signage.

The Chair asked those present to please call or email with any additional ideas, comments or concerns. Selectman Marshall read a letter from Conrad and Ellen Dumas asking if the Board could use an East/West designation to the road names. Selectman Marshall then read an email from NHMA Legal Services outlining the responsibilities under RSA 233:133 for the Selectboard. He noted that the town does not have a legal responsibility to put up signs on private roads. Mutual Aid is mentioned in the email.

Selectman Marshall then stated that the Board does not have a process set in stone for making these decisions; however, the Board will incorporate the feedback from the public hearing in order to set its course. He stated that the Board may decide to hold another public hearing; the Board may decide to contact other towns; and the Board may decide to check on the feasibility of using the East/West designation to see how that might work.

Debbie Ellis asked whether the numbers would change if the roads were re-named.

Hugh O’Brien asked the Board to commit to having another public hearing before a decision is made. Selectman Marshall said that the request would be taken under advisement but the Board would not provide a commitment on another public hearing.

Diane Johnson noted that everyone appears to be on the same page and that the preference would be to have the road names include an East/West designation.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8:15pm.

Next the Selectboard received a folder of sealed bids to open for the municipal asset sale of the Covered Wagon Equipment Trailer and the Chevrolet Cheyenne Utility Truck. The bids were opened and read aloud and the following were itemized.

Myron S. Steere                Equipment Trailer     $1,427.88

Myron S. Steere                        Utility Truck     $2,223.44

C.A. Craig Jr.                   Equipment Trailer     $1,888.00

C.A. Craig Jr.                           Utility Truck     $1,666.00

Roger Somero                   Equipment Trailer     $1,777.00

Mickey Maguire               Equipment Trailer     $1,777.50

Mickey Maguire                        Utility Truck      $1,777.50

Charles Casey Burrage    Equipment Trailer    $1,526.00

Jim O’Halloran                         Utility Truck    $2,527.00

Jim O’Halloran                 Equipment Trailer    $2,527.00

Barry Moses                              Utility Truck    $5,989.89

Barry Moses                     Equipment Trailer    $1,232.12

The Board reviewed the bids and voted, on a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectman Marshall to award the bids to the highest bidders. The vote passed 3-0, to award the Equipment Trailer to Jim O’Halloran and the Utility Truck to Barry Moses.

Next the Board discussed a contract renewal with Monadnock Disposal Service (MDS). The contract terms being favorable for the town, Selectman Marshall made a motion to extend the contract with MDS for an additional five-year term. The motion was seconded by the Chair. The Board voted 3-0 in favor of a contract renewal with MDS.

The Town Administrator noted that no information has been forthcoming from Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center regarding the rental fees owed on the Old Town Office. Mr. Patt also noted that the Board needs to renegotiate a PILOT contract with CMRC. The Selectboard requested that a letter be written to CMRC for the Board’s signatures and brought to the next meeting.

Selectman Marshall brought forward a form for use by DPW to notify the Conservation Commission (ConComm) of projects occurring in a particular year. The form has been accepted by the Con Comm and the document is ready to be adopted. The Chair noted that the adoption date is November 7th, 2017. On a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectman Marshall the Board voted to adopt the Project Notification Document for use by the DPW. The motion passed 3-0.

Next Selectman Marshall read through his notes, which recapped the fire department open house. He noted that the amount of food provided by the Selectboard was adequate, with very little in the way of leftover food after the event. He noted that there could be some changes in the future and itemized areas of improvement; with the letter from the Selectboard to the town as one of the areas. The event was well attended and the programs for the children were very well attended. A lot of parents thanked the Board for hosting the event. The fire fighters did a great job of providing information about the equipment and on the improvements to the building. The demonstration of the Jaws of Life was impressive and gave the attendees a good look at how the new battery operated Jaws of Life operates. Compared to the older, generator-driven Jaws, the new Jaws are very user friendly. Selectman Marshall summed up his recap of the event, noting that the event was a terrific success for a first time event. He stated that he was impressed with the comments by the Chair and felt that it was a great way of recognizing the spirit and drive of the volunteer firefighters.


The time being 9:25 pm, The Chair moved to adjourn. Selectman Marshall seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.

The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Selectboard. A signed copy is on file in the Selectboard’s office.