Selectboard Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 6, 2020


Town of Greenfield

Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, February 06, 2020 – 5:30 PM


Selectboard: Chairwoman Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectwoman Karen Day, Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator;


Documents for Review/Approval:

  1. Payroll Check Register – 2/07/2020
  2. A/P Check Registers– 2/03/2020, 2/04/2020
  3. Returned Check Fee Schedule
  4. Selectboard Minutes 1/31
  5. Welfare Voucher


Items for Discussion/Signature in the Public Session:

            1. Hillsborough County –Notice of Supplemental Appropriation

            2. Greenfield Girl Scout 2020 Project at Oak Park request letter

            3. Underwood Engineering Proposal for Civil Engineering       


5:30 PM: Public Forum

The meeting was called to order at 5:38pm. A discussion on the language of the DPW Truck Warrant Article was held in response to a question at the budget hearing. The question, regarding the inclusion of the lease payments amounts will have to be decided by the Department of Revenue and/or Town Counsel. Next the Selectboard took up a discussion on the Consent Agenda. The Board voted on a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectwoman Day,  3-0 in favor of the Consent Agenda.

5:45 PM: Rick McQuade, DPW Buildings & Grounds Manager, Todd Mason, DPW Roads Manager

At 6:00pm, the Selectboard opened a discussion relative to the Capital Reserve Funds for DPW. The Selectboard reviewed the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) submitted by the Planning Board in 2019. The CIP outlines the anticipated replacement schedule of equipment, vehicles, and capital items in excess of $5,000. Selectman Marshall noted that there are some vehicles on the equipment list that are not scheduled on the 2019 CIP. The Selectboard requested and reviewed a copy of a CIP Gant chart created in 2017. The Gant chart shows the replacement schedule based on financing with multi-year payment plans. The chart clearly shows that the payment schedules overlap across multiple vehicles and for multiple years at a time. In 2023, the Chair noted that there are five large capital items (Fire Engine, DPW Grader, DPW Loader, DPW pick-up truck, and DPW 10-Wheel dump truck) that require financing and the payment schedules that will overlap for several years. During that time (2023-2026) there are also two police cruisers planned for purchase (without financing). The compression that results from the overlap of payments and purchases will be difficult for taxpayers said the Chair. It was noted that the 2017 Gant chart has the backhoe scheduled for replacement in 2021.

At the conclusion of the CIP review, the Chair made a motion to enter into non-public session to discuss a personnel issue under RSA 91-A: II(a) and (c). The motion was seconded by Selectman Marshall and passed, on a roll-call vote, 3-0.

At 6:55pm, the Selectboard voted 3-0 to enter into public session. While in the public session, the Chair made a motion to seal the minutes under RSA 91-A:III in order to preserve the effectiveness of the personnel discussion and investigation. It was noted for the minutes that the Selectboard took up a review and investigation of the backhoe break-down and concluded that there was no abuse or misuse of equipment, and they concluded that personnel were not at fault. The age of the equipment and information from the Caterpillar dealership was included in the discussion; including a report provided by a licensed CAT mechanic who saw no damage prior to diagnosing the motor and was reported to be 99% sure that there would be no issues from the U-joint failure.

While in the public session, the Selectboard discussed the snow clearing schedule and use of snow removal equipment for the downtown area. DPW Manager Mason stated that his preference would be to leave the equipment downtown and not drive it back and forth to the garage. DPW Building & Grounds Manager McQuade stated that the Loader or Backhoe are much more efficient for the large parking lots because they provide better visibility and the option of the snow pusher, which is much more efficient than a regular snow plow. Mr. Mason stated that when the trucks are hauling sand and salt, the loader is needed at the DPW garage to load the trucks. Mr. McQuade stated that there is not always a DPW truck available and he would prefer not to use his personal vehicle for travel between the town facilities. The Selectboard heard that the MT sidewalk machine used to be kept indoors at the Fire Station. The Board asked about the rebuild schedule for the MT. The wiring harness has been replaced. There are some hydraulic leaks in older hoses since the hydraulic pump was replaced. Once the hoses are replaced the machine should be ready for service. The Selectboard thanked the two managers for their time.

7:00 PM: Selectboard Work Session

The Selectboard reviewed the draft Town Report and outlined several suggested changes. The Board requested that the Library Trustees revisit their annual submission for certain revisions.

Next the Selectboard reviewed a Commercial and Industrial tax incentive program under RSA 72:81. The Selectboard agreed that this could be a good program for the town. The Selectboard requested that the RSA be forwarded to the Planning Board for an advisory opinion and/or for inclusion into a warrant article for 2021.

Next the Selectboard discussed an open application for a building permit off of Roger’s Road, which is a Class VI road off of Crotched Mountain Road. The Board is currently waiting on review by emergency services of the access and a determination of whether emergency service vehicles can access the remote properties. Selectman Marshall stated that he has been in contact with the Fire Chief and they have a time set to visit the road. He stated that depending on weather, the Fire Chief will be inspecting the road in the near future.

The Selectboard discussed the question brought forward by the Library Trustees regarding support for a lot line adjustment between the library and an abutter. The Chair stated that this is very early days in the process and the Selectboard has very little visibility into the Trustee’s process. The Selectboard agreed that they will continue to support the proposal as outlined by the Trustees in their last meeting. The Chair noted that it would have to be reviewed again before the support is finalized.

The Selectboard discussed certain internal financial controls that are meant to provide accountability during financial audits. The Board noted that there are some areas of policy that could be updated.

Lastly, the Selectboard reviewed the Draft Town Report and discussed the dedication page, the Selectboard’s report, the front cover photo and whether to include a Thank You page for a resident or employee.


At 8:34 pm Selectman Marshall made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by Selectwoman Day. The motion carried 3-0.