Greenfield Forestry Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 12, 2021

Meeting Minutes


Committee members present: Chair Hunter Carbee, Betsy Hardwick, Gary Russell, Roger Lessard, Carol Irvin. Non-members present: Marcia Davis

The meeting called to order at 5:35 PM by Chair Hunter Carbee at the meeting room in the Historical Society building.  Minutes were accepted as written for 11/17/20 meeting

Reviewed status of timber harvest operation; logging has been completed, but a final report has not been received from Karla yet for the sale so the final financial outcome is still unknown.  Some general discussion about the project ensued. Roger will follow up with Karla regarding her bill for timber harvest work.  Our next goal is to implement some wildlife habitat improvement, trail, and parking area work.  Gary outlined a proposal to begin working on a field, the proposed parking location, and maybe a section of trail. The proposal includes: one week of excavator rental, seeding with Vermont conservation mix, and lime application.  Gary volunteered his time to run the excavator. Total estimated cost for this work is $4495.  Area disturbed will be less than 100,000 square feet so an alteration of terrain permit will not be needed.  Gary would like to begin the work in early May.  All agreed that Gary should move forward with the work as proposed, to be paid for from the timber harvest income, if it is adequate, and if not it may need to be at least partly paid for through the trust fund for this property.  It was noted that insurance will be required for the machine rental, will need to see if the town can cover this through their insurance policy. 

There was some discussion about further habitat improvement work in the future, and possibly utilizing the NH Fish & Game Small Grants Program.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:25

Minutes by B. Hardwick