Greenfield Forestry Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Greenfield Forestry Committee (GFC)

George Proctor Recreation Area


September 12th, 2017


Per 1988 Town Meeting Vote on Article 36,

a forestry committee composed of members of the

Greenfield Conservation Commission

and the

Greenfield Sportsmen's Club



Greenfield Conservation Commission (GCC): Carol Irvin, Janet Renaud

Greenfield Sportsmen's Club (GSC): Hunter Carbee, Betsy Hardwick (Francestown), Gary Russell

Guest: Karla Allen, Town Forester

The meeting began at about 5:33 p.m.

Gary gave Karla an overview of the history of the property.  Revelation that any revenue would go into a Forest Management fund.  South side is hard to access for logging.

GSC wants to set up a camping area for the Boy Scouts near the Fleck area.  They want to go away from the road because there is quite a bit of use on weekends.

Karla: the plan is mostly to promote wildlife – leave tops around perimeter for deer to discourage them from preventing regeneration.  Hunter suggested more selective cutting, but thinks he and Karla should do a site walk – tentatively for the 20th, possibly in the afternoon. They put in a lot of material to fix the road.  There are a couple of options to get in to do the logging.

Karla: did GPS and found all bounds but two.

Bids go to the town, Betsy and Hunter may have to recuse themselves.  Lost the window for winter logging.  Fee for forestry will come out of the timber sale.  Karla will send paperwork.  Possibly mid-winter.

Karla gave back photos used in the forestry management plan, Janet will put them in the Con Com files.

Carol: If market’s down, will there be enough to cover the forestry costs?  Yes.  Karla will scout for invasives.  Gary: Verbal permission from most abutters.

Hunter moved to adjourn, Gary seconded, adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Renaud, Vice Chair

Greenfield Conservation Commission