Cemetery Trustee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Cemetery Trustees Meeting Minutes

April 14, 2022

Recorded by Catrina Mamczak

Members Attending: Raymond Cilley, Mike Merzi, Roger Lessard

4:30pm RCilley called the meeting to order

RCilley motioned to make RLessard Chairperson of the Cemetery Trustees, seconded by MMerzi, vote passed 2-0, RLessard abstained

RCilley motioned to hire Catrina Mamczak for the paid clerk position with a $20.00 per hour pay rate, seconded by MMerzi, vote passed 3-0

The board discussed upcoming volunteer work to be held on April 16 at the Greenvale Cemetery. A group of community members will be at the cemetery to assist with spring cleanup. They will also be taking pictures and marking GPS locations of gravestones to update to the Billions Graves App.

A spelling error was noticed on the stock of Deeds that are currently in use. The board would like to get new updated Deeds printed for future disbursement. RLessard will look into getting the Deed updated with the correct spelling for Greenvale Cemetery. CMamczak will speak to Catherine Shaw about printing options and town paper stock.

The board would like to hold regular meetings on the Second Thursday of each month, 4:30pm at the Town Offices.

They would like to hold their next meeting at the Greenvale Cemetery so they can assess the road conditions and stone walls for future repair work, and mark locations for new plantings.

RCilley spoke previously with Merrill Villmore, sexton about opening the gates for this season.

MMerzi will contact Jarvis Adams to get the water turned on at Greenvale Cemetery.

5:20pm RCilley motioned to adjourn, seconded by RLessard, vote passes 3-0