Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Town of Greenfield

7 Sawmill Road, Greenfield, NH 03047

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, December 09, 2021 – 5:30 PM

Selectboard: Chairman Robert Marshall, Selectman Michael Borden, Selectman Mason Parker

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator;

Stephenson Memorial Library Trustees: Bruce Dodge, Diane Boilard, Andra Hall, Mary Ann Grant

Budget Advisory Committee: Janice Pack, Kathy Seigars, Gary Russell

Public: Ginny Plourde, Valli Hannings

Documents for Discussion/Signature

  1. Payroll Check manifest dated 12/10/2021 in the amount of $36,040.12
  2. A/P Check Manifest dated 12/23/ 2021 in the amount of $14,772.32
  3. A/P “VOID” Check Manifest dated 7/9/2021 in the amount of $456.07 – Lost Check
  4. Intent to Cut – R6-30-5
  5. Welfare Voucher
  6. Minutes of 12/02/2021

Other letters/ items for Discussion/Signature:

1. Order #2021-042 – Housing Appeals Board re. Chrisenton vs. Town of Greenfield
2. Stephenson Memorial Library 2022 Budget Worksheet
3. Stephenson Memorial Library Meeting Space Policy – 11/09/2021

5:30 PM: Selectboard Business Meeting & Public Forum

The Chair opened the meeting and took up the Consent Agenda. The Chair asked for a motion on the Payroll check manifest, the A/P check manifest, and the A/P “Void” check manifest. Selectboard Borden made a motion to approve the manifests and to release the funds. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 in favor, the Board voted to approve the manifests.

Next the Chair asked for a motion on the Intent to Cut for R6-30-5. Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the Intent to Cut. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 3-0 in favor.

Next the Chair requested a motion on a Welfare Voucher. Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the voucher. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 in favor, the motion passed.

The Chair requested a motion on the minutes from the Selectboard’s 12/02/2021 meeting. Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 the motion passed in favor.

The Chair noted that the Housing Appeals Board denied the appeal by the Chrisentons of a previous Housing Appeals Board decision. The Chair noted for those present at the meeting that this was a previous ruling that was upheld on appeal. The Chair noted that the Chrisentons have 30 days to appeal to the Supreme Court. He stated that the Chrisentons have sent an application for a building permit under RSA 674:41 but that the Board would not entertain the application until the appeal period has expired.

A brief discussion followed on the 2022 budget season process. It was noted by Selectman Parker and Mr. Russell that the Sportsmen’s Club and the Planning Board are in talks to advance warrant articles to the Selectboard for the 2022 budget. A discussion on whether these articles would be monetary or non-monetary articles was held. Both of the warrant articles will be non-monetary.

5:45PM – Stephenson Memorial Library Trustees

At 5:45, the Chair welcomed the Trustees of the Stephenson Memorial Library to discuss the library’s 2022 budget. The Chair noted that there are a couple of areas in the budget that are increasing significantly. Trustee Chair Boilard explained that COVID has had a major effect on the Library; especially among the children because parents do not want to take risks. As a result attendance is down. Trustee Dodge stated that attendance is down by 90%.

Budget Advisory Committee Chair Janice Pack stated that the library budget shows increase in programming and entertainment despite the reduction in attendance and asked for an explanation. Selectboard Chair Marshall asked if participation will increase in 2022. Trustee Dodge stated that there are no concrete assurances on attendance but the budget anticipated an increase in participation starting in 2022.

BAC Chair Pack asked whether there is enough funding in the Fuel/Heating line. Selectboard Chair Marshall noted that there is approximately $1,900 left in that line. The Trustees explained that they felt that heating was sufficiently funded. 

There followed a discussion on PT wages. BAC Chair Pack asked why the PT wage line has increased so much. The PT Wage line request is up from $45,803 in 2021 to $65,513 in 2022, a difference of $19,710. Trustee Chair Boilard explained that the library is looking to hire a PT Librarian to take on some of the duties that the Library Director has difficulty finding time to complete. BAC Chair Pack asked if the Library Trustees had done a wage study for this PT position. Trustee Chair Boilard stated that “yes, the Trustees compared staff wages with other libraries”. She stated that the result of the comparison was that they found that the Stephenson Library typically pays less than entry level positions in other libraries, and with inflation, and the possibility of Social Security providing a 6% increase, that this becomes very challenging for the library. Selectboard Chair Marshall asked why the Trustees were looking to hire a librarian. Trustee Chair Boilard stated that the Trustees have analyzed the Director duties and while they are the same responsibilities as other libraries, the current Director is still learning the job. Chairman Marshall stated that the current Director is not a librarian, is that part of the problem? Trustee Boilard stated, “yes, but it’s difficult to fill all aspects of the job description”. The current Director does provide a huge area of engagement with the library. BAC Chair Pack asked if the position is hourly or salaried. Trustee Chair Boilard stated “salaried”, but the current Director can’t get all the work done in forty hours. The Library needs additional help to complete the tasks and duties. Trustee Hall stated that the position requires “someone who can bring back programs”. Trustee Dodge stated that it takes the Director a long time to start from scratch every time (for program development). He stated that the Director has done a phenomenal job with COVID, but he needs support for programming as it’s not something that he has a lot of experience with.

Selectboard Chair Marshall stated that the Library is asking for a $17,000.00 increase to wages, what percentage of that amount is going to current staff (not including the new PT position). Trustee Chair Boilard stated that the amount requested is based on the pro-rated year (after Town Meeting in March) and as such the following year will require a larger increase to accommodate a full-year PT position. This is just for a partial year. Trustee Hall stated that there is another PT position open at this time and the wages for that position will be combined with the additional PT wages and the new PT Librarian position will be advertised for 20 hours at $20,000 a year. Trustee Chair Boilard stated that this will come as a rearrangement of services. Trustee Dodge stated that there will be no benefits with the position. Selectboard Chair Marshall asked if there is office space available for this PT librarian. Trustee Dodge stated that there are several options for converting space in the library. Trustee Hall stated that the Trustees want a degreed person for the position.

BAC member Seigars asked what the Trustees would do if the kids don’t come back. Selectman Parker asked if the Library had done any survey of parents as to why there are no kids in the library right now. Trustee Dodge stated that the trustees are planning on a study as part of the strategic plan for the library. Selectman Parker suggested that the trustees consider an on-line survey or an EDDM through the post office to get the word out to people that are not coming into the library. Trustee Chair Boilard stated that the Library Trustees have been having an ongoing discussion about how to best serve the community. She stated that the children are the most important resource and this can be confirmed looking nationally as well. Trustee Dodge explained that the library is pivoting from a book mausoleum model to a social center model. Selectman Borden stated that people are a lot more comfortable now with online services than they used to be. Trustee Chair Boilard stated that E-Books have had a big effect on the library. Trustee Hall stated that this underscores the need for programs because this is how libraries function as the center of the community.

The Trustees outlined a number of areas where the Trustees have authorized expenditures to maintain the building. The library is having the carpeting replaced in certain areas. The front desk is moving to ensure ADA compliance behind the desk, the door at the ramp is converted to an automatic door with push button entrance for handicapped access. The Trustees would like to expand the parking lot to accommodate 18 new spaces. This is possible due to the purchase of the additional acreage last year. However, it will require a warrant article. A discussion followed. Trustee Chair Boilard stated that the cost to create gravel parking spaces will be approximately $23,500. There followed a discussion on whether this should be a warrant article of if DPW could pay for the expansion out of their budget. Selectboard Chair asked if the Trustees were thinking that DPW would provide the work, or pay for the materials or both. Trustee Chair Boilard stated that the Trustees were in discussions with DPW to pay for the work but then the department went through some changes at the beginning of the year. Trustee Dodge asked if there is room in the budget for a $30,000 warrant article for work on the parking lot. Selectboard Chair Marshall stated that this is a project that requires engineering, proper drainage, run-off, and that this was not the kind of project that DPW could “knock-out on a Tuesday” during the week. Trustee Hall agreed and said that Lighting is also need for the expanded parking areas. Selectboard Chair Marshall stated that the Selectboard is looking closely at the budget and will need to establish priorities. He stated that the Board is concerned and that there needs to be an ongoing discussion on “the wants vs. the needs”.

BAC member Seigars asked if the Library was going to include a legal line in their budget as they had indicated in a previous meeting. Trustee Boilard asked for an explanation on why the Library should have a legal line again. Selectman Parker explained that this year was a good example because the legal line was overspent and every subsequent expenditure had to go through the Selectboard. The Trustees should have a legal line so that they can work with Town Counsel directly without having to go through the Selectboard. At the conclusion of the discussion it was agreed that an increase of $2,500 would be included with a line for legal services. This increases the library budget request of $147,242 in 2022 from $124,554 in 2021, or a difference of $22,688.

The budget discussion ended at 6:55pm. The Budget Advisory Committee members thanked the Selectboard and Library Trustees and left the meeting.

At 6:57 the Trustees and the Selectboard discussed a facility use policy at the Library. Trustee Chair Boilard explained that the library is choosing not to charge for rentals or require insurance. A copy of the Trustee approved policy has been provided to the Selectboard. Selectman Parker asked if the policy only allows use of the facility by Greenfield residents and not outside organizations. There followed a discussion on the definition of “outside organizations”, which is a term used by the town’s insurance company to describe organizations other than the library.

Selectman Parker stated that he wanted to drill down into the differences between the previous policy, which is on the website, and the new approved policy that the Trustees are advancing. Trustee Chair Boilard stated that requiring insurance goes against the mission of the library to provide free service to the community. Selectboard Chair Marshall stated that he did not agree that requiring outside organizations to provide insurance impinges on the service to the community. The insurance requirement is there to insure the facility continues in the case of an accident or other incident caused by an outside party. A discussion followed that included the cost of the insurance for the Friends of the Library, the need for the Firefighter’s Association to have insurance when using the fire department building, and the difference between residents and organizations. Selectman Parker stated that the newly approved policy requires a Greenfield resident with a library card to reserve the facility even if they are doing so on behalf of an outside organization (this includes the need to sign an indemnity statement and be responsible for any incidents instead of the organization that wants to use the facility). He stated that while he doesn’t see a problem with that as a philosophical matter, in practice he wouldn’t sign the agreement because it puts all the liability onto the individual. He asked if that was what the Library Trustees intended. A discussion followed. At the conclusion of the discussion, Trustee Dodge stated that the Trustees would continue their discussion on the policy and revisit the discussion with the Selectboard in the future. The discussion ended at 8:15pm.

8:30PM – Selectboard Business Meeting

At 8:15 pm, the Selectboard took up a conversation about a quote for a storage shelter at the Recycling Center. Selectman Borden received quotes for the materials needed to create a storage facility from shipping containers, roof trusses, and metal roofing. He provided a collection of photos of a structure from Dublin. A discussion on the storage needs at the Recycling Center followed. The Selectboard members discussed building a similar but larger structure at the DPW to house the equipment.

At 8:26 the Chair noted that they were a few minutes until the scheduled business meeting. He stated that the board has a need to discuss a personnel matter in non-public session. He explained that the issue at hand is a continuation of the conversation about the restructuring of the Department of Public Works. Selectman Borden made a motion to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II a and c. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 the Board voted 3-0 in favor of the motion.

At 9:20pm, the Selectboard voted, on a motion by Selectman Borden and a second from Selectman Parker, 3-0 in favor of entering into the public session. While in the public session, the Chair made a motion to seal the minutes according to RSA 91-A:3-III to preserve the effectiveness of the discussion and to protect the privacy of anyone not a member of the public body. The motion was seconded by Selectman Parker. On a vote of 3-0 the motion passed in favor. It was noted for the minutes that the Selectboard had voted to eliminate the Building & Grounds and Roads divisions of the Department of Public Works and the supervisory positions associated with those divisions. The Board intends that the department will be managed by the DPW Director and the Selectmen noted that the department only has four people so the restructuring is designed to align the department more closely to the needs of the town.

There being no further business the Board voted to adjourn.


At 9:22pm, Selectman Parker made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by the Chair. The motion carried 3-0.