Election Officials

This change in polling place is due to the Meeting House 
beginning renovations.
All future Elections & Town Meeting will be held at GES
 until the renovations are completed.



  • Proof of identity:  a photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport etc.
  • Proof of age:  an ID with your birth date, as listed above, to prove you are 18 or older.
  • Proof of citizenshipbirth certificate or citizenship papers. Marriage certificate if a name change.
  • Proof of domicile: a copy of a utility bill showing your name and physical address or a letter from your landlord stating the address you reside at in Greenfield and that they rent to you.


  • Check your party affiliation on-line: http://sos.nh.gov/VoteInforLook.aspx or check the posted checklist that will be available for public viewing at the Greenfield Post Office or contact our office.
  • Voters registered as a member of a political party may only vote on that party’s ballot.
  • Voters registered as undeclared may join a party by requesting that party’s ballot when voting in person or by absentee. A voter registered as undeclared who joins a party to vote in the primary, may change back to undeclared by completing the “Election Day Party Affiliation Change Form.” If you do not complete the form after voting, you will remain registered with the party in which you voted.  Absentee voters should also fill out and send back a change form if applicable.

If you do not have the above information, please email the Town Clerk at: Townclerk@greenfield-nh.gov or call the office and leave a message at 547-2782x2 so arrangements can be made to register you.  Please be aware when calling the office that we retrieve messages when in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

See COVID-19 Voter Instructions to Public


Voter Registration - You may register to vote with the Town Clerk, but the voter listing is maintained by the Supervisors of the Checklist.  Please contact the Supervisors of the Checklist to obtain a copy of our voter registration list. For a print-out of the voter list the fee is $25.00.

See: Frequently Asked Questions About Establishing a Domicile/Residence in New Hampshire

All new registrants must provide proof of residency, a Birth Certificate or Passport and a valid N.H. Photo ID with a Greenfield address.

Absentee Ballot - You may obtain an Absentee Ballot from the Town Clerk only. An Application for Absentee Ballot form for: Presidential Election; State General Election; State Primary Election; Town Election; School Voting; or Special Elections Absentee Ballot, must be completed by a registered voter.

You cannot pick-up or submit an Absentee Ballot for your spouse or neighbor, etc... Each individual Absentee Ballot must be given or mailed to the Town Clerk prior to the election day. Application forms may be obtained from the Town Office. Plan ahead. Allow for processing time (10-20 days), if you are requesting by mail.

Email the Supervisor's of the Checklist


A person can register and vote by absentee if, based on their own health circumstances, medical authorities advise them to avoid going out in public. This applies to:

1)    voters with symptoms of a communicable disease or illness;
2)    voters who, due to their own health circumstances, limit public exposure in their day-to-day life as a preventative measure. 

These two types of voters can reasonably conclude that a “physical disability” exists within the meaning of RSA 654:16 and 654:17, absentee registration and RSA 657:1, absentee voting.

We recommend that you link to “Registering to Vote in New Hampshire” 
 For example, in your section on voter registration, you can post:

A person must meet the following to register and vote in New Hampshire: 
⦁    18 years of age or older on election day;
⦁    A United States citizen; and
⦁    Domiciled in the town or ward where the person seeks to vote. 

“Registering to Vote in New Hampshire” provides further details on these requirements. 

Use one of these to insert a link to Registering to Vote in New Hampshire:
Plain language with hyperlink embedded:
Registering to Vote in New Hampshire
URL to page containing the PDF link:
URL to the PDF document:


Staff Contacts

Name Title
Andre Wood Moderator (2027)

Supervisors of the Checklist

Name Title
Linda Dodge Checklist Supervisor (2030)
Ellen Sanford Checklist Supervisor (2026)
Kathleen Seigars Checklist Supervisor (2028)
Bruce Dodge Alternate