Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Town of Greenfield

7 Sawmill Road, Greenfield, NH 03047

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, December 02, 2021 – 5:30 PM

Selectboard: Chairman Robert Marshall, Selectman Michael Borden, Selectman Mason Parker

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator; Brian Giammarino, Police Chief; Richard “Rick” McQuade, Fire Chief; David Martin, Emergency Management Director; Katherine Heck, Treasurer; Susan Gilbert, Deputy Treasurer

Budget Advisory Committee: Janice Pack

Documents for Discussion/Signature

  1. Payroll Check manifest dated 11/26/2021 in the amount of $31,846.79
  2. A/P Check Manifest dated December 1, 2021 in the amount of $733,651.81
    1. ConVal School District Monthly Payment - $271,480.19
    2. Hillsborough County Apportionment - $180,675.00
    3. Trustee of Trust Fund Capital Reserve Accounts ’20 & ‘21 - $241,000.00
  3. Transfer Request – Conservation Fund
  4. Welfare Voucher
  5. Minutes of 11/18 & 11/23

Other letters/ items for Discussion/Signature:

1. Interim Order – Housing Appeals Board re. Chrisenton vs. Town of Greenfield
2. RSA 674:41 Building Permit Request – Chrisenton
3. Equalization Ratio Letter – NH Dept. of Revenue
4. Auditor Letter for FY 2020
5. NH Dept. of Revenue – Press Release on Tax Rates
6. The River Center - Annual request for funding

5:30 PM: Selectboard Business Meeting & Public Forum

The Chair opened the meeting and took up the Consent Agenda. The Chair noted that the town has received a building permit application per RSA 674:41 from Tom & Ginny Chrisenton. The Chair stated that the Chrisentons are currently appealing an order from the Housing Appeals Board relative to a decision that affects the properties outlined in the building permit application, as such the Chair made a motion to table the permit application until after litigation currently underway is resolved. The motion was seconded by Selectman Parker. Selectman Borden recused himself from the vote because the original appeal to the Housing Appeals Board was related to a decision by Mr. Borden in his role as Code Enforcement Officer / Building Inspector. On a vote of 2-0 in favor, with one recusal, the motion passed.

5:45PM – Brian Giammarino, Police Chief

At 5:45, the Chair welcomed Brian Giammarino, Police Chief to the meeting. Chief Giammarino provided an overview of his 2022 budget request.  He stated that the budget request includes an updated 2022 budget total but does not include wage related changes as those are the purview of the Selectboard. A question was raised by the Chair related to computer and IT equipment and software support for the department. A discussion followed. The computer and software support costs are part of the consolidated IT budget within the Other General Government budget. The cost for the department’s CrimeStar subscription is relatively low. Currently the department has older but serviceable machines. The Chief does not have a plan to request new computers in the upcoming year. Town Administrator Patt explained that there may be some costs for IT infrastructure covered by ARPA funds when the Old Town Office building is retrofitted to house the Emergency Services departments (including the police department).

A discussion on the amount of Part-Time wages was held. The Chief feels that with the addition of the new 3rd officer, the amount of funds in the part-time wages line is sufficient. Selectman Parker asked about the amount of gas budgeted for the year. With three officers, covering full-time shifts and with increases to gas prices, the question of whether there are sufficient funds for gasoline was discussed. The Chief feels that the budget is sufficient and indicated that it is difficult to accurately predict the amount of fuel used from year-to-year, so the current budget has some potential buffer built-in.

In closing, the Chair asked Chief Giammarino if there was any benefit to using end-of-year funds to purchase radar speed signs for 2-3 areas leading into the downtown area. A discussion followed. It was decided that the Chief would gather quotes and the Selectboard would look at this again at the end of the month.

Treasurer Heck introduced her new Deputy Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, to the Selectboard. Treasurer Katherine Heck provided an update on grants that the Town of Greenfield may be eligible for as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The Selectboard and Treasurer held a brief conversation on the ARPA grants and the matching funds that the town would have to include in the 2022 budget. Chairman Marshall stated that on behalf of the Selectboard, he wanted to publicly thank Ms. Heck for her outstanding work on the Broadband Bond application and bond submission. Ms. Heck stated that she was approached by the Bond Bank and informed that Greenfield had a perfect bond application, which only happens once every ten years or so. Chairman Marshall stated the he is grateful to the Town Administrator, Office Manager and the Treasurer for all of the hard work that led to the successful completion of the bond application. Treasurer Heck stated that Mrs. Shaw deserves a lot of “kudos” for her attention to detail in the back office.

6:30PM – Richard “Rick” McQuade, Fire Chief

Chief McQuade stated that the first order of business in relation to the 2022 budget is to hear from the Emergency Management Director, David Martin. Mr. Martin outlined an increase in the EMD budget from $2,000 to $5,000 in order that the Emergency Management Department continue to purchase supplies for the emergency shelter. A discussion on the location of the emergency shelter followed. The shelter is planned for the Library and the EMD will be applying for an emergency generator for that building. It was noted that the generator grant should be budgeted for 2022 in a warrant article for Town Meeting.

There followed a discussion on use of the Every Door Direct Mailer from the post office, which the Emergency Management Department has been sending out during the pandemic. The most recent mailing was for a vaccine clinic.

Next, Chief McQuade provided an overview of the 2022 Fire Department budget. A line by line review of the budget resulted in several increases that take the 2021 budget of  $137,987 to a 2022 request of $145,777. The difference of $7,790 is for the following increases to these lines:

Chief’s Stipend                         +824

Dry Hydrant Maintenance        +750

Dues & Subscriptions               +150

Emergency Management        +3000

Fire Fighter Rescue Stipends  +1376

Mutual Aid Dispatching    +1480

Telephone                            +210

Training Service                  +250

A discussion on the vehicles followed. At the conclusion of the discussion it was noted that the postage should be addressed and the EDDM mailings budgeted. It was agreed to increase postage from $25 to $600. This brings the 2022 request to $146,352.

The discussion on the Fire Department budget ended at 7:25pm.

7:30PM – Selectboard Business Meeting

The Chair took up the Consent Agenda and requested a vote on the Payroll manifest of $31,846.79. Selectman Borden made a motion to accept the manifest and release the funds. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 in favor the motion passed unanimously.

Next the Chair requested a motion on the A/P manifest in the amount of $733,651.81, which includes the following payments; ConVal School District Monthly Payment - $271,480.19; Hillsborough County Apportionment - $180,675.00; Trustee of Trust Fund Capital Reserve Accounts ’20 & ‘21 - $241,000.00. Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the manifest and release the funds. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 in favor, the motion passed unanimously.

Next the Chair requested a motion on the transfer request of $5,000 from the General Fund to the Conservation Fund in line with the Town Meeting vote to transfer Land Use Change Tax (LUCT) funds up to $5,000 annually to the Conservation Fund. Selectman Borden made a motion to accept the transfer request and to move the funds to the Conservation Fund. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 in favor, the motion passed unanimously.

Next the Chair requested a motion on a welfare voucher and the minutes of 11/18 and 11/23. Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the welfare voucher and accept the minutes as presented. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 in favor, the Board approved the motion unanimously.

The Chair stated that the Board will enter into Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II A and C in order to discuss the Town Administrator’s self evaluation. Selectman Borden made the motion pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II A&C to enter into non-public session. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a roll call vote of 3-0 the Board voted to enter into non-public session starting at 7:40pm.

At 8:29 pm, the Board voted 3-0 to enter into the public session. While in the public session, the Chair made a motion to seal the minutes pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 III, in order to preserve the reputation of the employee and to ensure that the Selectboard’s discussion would maintain its effectiveness prior to the completion of the review. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 the Board voted in favor of the motion.

There being no further business the Board voted to adjourn.


At 8:30pm, Selectman Parker made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by the Selectman Borden. The motion carried 3-0.