Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 7, 2021

Town of Greenfield

7 Sawmill Road, Greenfield, NH 03047

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, October 07, 2021 – 5:30 PM


Selectboard: Chairman Robert Marshall, Selectman Michael Borden, Selectman Mason Parker

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator; Tom Bascom, Broadband Coordinator

Budget Advisory Committee: Catrina Mamczak, Janice Pack, Gary Russell, Kathy Seigars


Documents for Discussion/Signature

  1. A/P Check Register dated 10/6/2021 in the amount of $459,877.67
  2. A/P “ACH” Check Register dated 10/25/2021 in the amount of $11,388.78
  3. A/P “ACH” Check Register dated 9/28/2021 in the amount of $7,035.00
  4. A/P Check Register dated 9/ 28/2021 in the amount of $117.91
  5. Payroll Check Register dated 10/01/2021 in the amount of $28,312.75
  6. Appointment FT Officer – Police Department
  7. Sewer Tax Levy – 4th Quarter
  8. Welfare Voucher - (2)
  9. Minutes of 9/23/2021

Other letters/ items for Discussion/Signature:

1. State of NH, Dept. of Safety – Pending rulemaking

2. Deputy Treasurer – Help Wanted & appointment

3. NH Community Rights Network – Letter

4. Oak Park Committee – Waiver request

5. Broadband Contract – Consolidated Communications

6. Un-cashed Check Policy Draft

~No Public Forum Tonight~

5:30 PM: David Martin, Emergency Management Director

The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm by Chairman Marshall. The Selectboard began working through the Consent Agenda documents. Chairman Marshal welcomed EMD Martin to the meeting. EMD Martin outlined a number of grant opportunities that have been presented by the contacts at the Department of Homeland Security. The Emergency Management Department continues to look at utilizing the library as a shelter. A discussion followed regarding a potential generator grant that could be used at the library facility. EMD Martin stated a request that the Selectboard and Library Trustees enter into a memorandum of understanding regarding the use of the library as a shelter. Next, EMD Martin provided an update on a potential grant for an electronic sign in front of the Fire Station. A discussion followed on the requirements for heating climate control at the Library. At the conclusion of the discussion, EMD Martin was asked if the Board had voted to authorize the Continuity of Operations (COOP) grant. In order to facilitate the grant application, Selectman Parker motioned to support the COOP grant application through the NH Department of Homeland Security by the Emergency Management Director. Selectman Borden seconded the motion. The Chair requested a vote and on a roll call vote of 3-0 in favor, the motion passed.

6:00 PM: Budget Advisory Committee / Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) presentation

Chairman Marshall welcomed the members of the Budget Advisory Committee to the meeting. Selectman Parker provided handouts of the 2021 Capital Improvement Plan as prepared and voted by the Planning Board. He stated that he has been the primary architect on the Planning Board for the CIP and recently the Planning Board voted to approve the update. He stated that as such he was the most suitable person to provide the update. There followed a presentation on the Capital Improvement Plan update for 2021, which includes all of the primary departments, town vehicles and equipment and facilities where projects and expenditures are contemplated in excess of $5,000. Mr. Parker outlined that the CIP is a primary driver of Capital Reserve Fund savings and that much of the CIP is geared toward replacement of depreciated equipment and vehicles, but also includes gravel roads, paved roads, and facilities. Selectman Parker provided a ‘talk through’ presentation of the CIP and outlined the DPW vehicles and equipment replacement schedule; the Police Department cruiser replacement schedule; the Recycling Center projects; gravel road schedule, and ten-year paved road schedule.

At the conclusion of the presentation, Selectman Parker explained that he came to several conclusions about the CIP process. He stated that the CIP is necessary exercise for gauging the Capital Reserve Fund savings but that in many cases, when a department experiences turnover of the department head, the CIP focus can shift and a new manager may have very different ideas about how to accomplish certain goals, or which equipment to prioritize. Selectman Parker stated that he now feels that the Selectboard needs a plan that survives a change in department head(s), which can incorporate the CIP items but can be a program that the Selectboard is driving. The second area of interest he stated he would like to see the town pursue is to generate a Gannt chart for the buildings and facility projects, similar to the planning that takes place with the vehicles and equipment. A Gannt chart shows the various projects and project costs as they occur in time over a period of years so that the cost of facility projects can be overlaid with Vehicles and Equipment for a better understanding of the Capital needs of the town.

7:00 PM: Tom Bascom, Broadband Coordinator

At 7:00pm, the Chair welcomed Tom Bascom to the meeting. The Chair stated that he understood that tonight’s discussion would focus on the Broadband contract with Consolidated Communications and include a recommendation for the Selectboard. Town Administrator Patt provided an overview of the contract discussions with Consolidated Communications for the Board. Mr. Bascom stated that the town had some goals with regards to the contract and that the town has received agreement on a number of contract points from Consolidated. Consolidated also had several areas where they were not willing to make changes. On balance, Mr. Bascom indicated that the town has done a good job of due diligence and that while we didn’t get everything we wanted, the project is to install fiber so that residents in town will have the option of internet access town wide and in that scenario, he said that he thinks that we are ready to make a recommendation. Town Administrator Patt noted that Consolidated has stated that if we don’t sign the contract in the very near term, Consolidated will have to move on from the area and schedule Greenfield’s installation at the end of 2022 instead of this year. As such it’s the recommendation of both the Town Administrator and Mr. Bascom that the Board sign the agreement. There followed a discussion with the Selectboard. The Chair wanted to better understand how the town will receive free access to public facilities. The portion of the contract dealing with this was found and reviewed. At the conclusion of the discussions, the Selectboard agreed to sign the contract. Selectman Parker made a motion to accept and execute the contract and enter into an agreement with Consolidated Communications for a fiber build-out as voted by Town Meeting for the purpose of providing Broadband services throughout town. Selectman Borden seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 in favor, the motion passed.

At 7:55pm, the Chair thanked Mr. Bascom for his contribution to the project to date.

The Selectboard reviewed the Consent Agenda. The Chair read the Check Registers for Accounts Payable and Payroll as outlined above. Selectman Borden motioned to accept and approve the manifests. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 3-0 in favor.

Next the Chair reviewed the Police Department appointment for a full-time officer; the sewer tax levy; and the welfare vouchers provided by the Welfare Director. Selectman Borden motion to accept and approve the appointment, sewer levy and welfare vouchers. The motion was seconded by Selectman Parker. On a vote of 3-0 in favor the motion passed.

The Chair reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting. Selectman Borden motioned to accept the minutes as presented and to approve the minutes. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 in favor the motion passed.

Next the Chair reviewed the appointment of a Deputy Treasurer. Selectman Borden motion to accept the appointment of S. Gilbert to the position. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a vote of 3-0 the motion passed in favor.

There being no further business the Board voted to adjourn.


At 8:05 pm, Selectman Parker made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by the Selectman Borden. The motion carried 3-0.