Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Town of Greenfield

7 Sawmill Road, Greenfield, NH 03047

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, May 20, 2021 – 5:30 PM

Selectboard: Chairman Robert Marshall, Selectman Michael Borden, Selectman Mason Parker

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator;


Documents for Discussion/Signature

  1. A/P Check Manifest dated 5/19/2021 in the amount of $40,971.09
  2. Change of Wage Worksheet – Planning Board
  3. Appointment – Broadband Coordinator
  4. Settlement Agreement - Fairpoint
  5. Purchase Order – Magnesium Chloride for gravel roads
  6. Minutes of 5/13/2021

5:30 PM: Selectboard Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm by Chairman Marshall.

The Selectboard reviewed the Consent Agenda items. The Chair reviewed a request from the acting foreman of the Department of Public Works to enter into a contract providing magnesium chloride and application equipment for dust control on gravel roads. The Selectboard discussed the request and reviewed the budget for calcium chloride. It was noted that the use of chlorides helps bind the gravel roads and provide a better road surface in addition to the dust control. The use of chlorides is part of a gravel roads maintenance plan. The Selectboard stated that the contract would require some funding from the Road Maintenance line item in addition to the Calcium Chloride line item. However during the previous year the amount of calcium chloride purchased required funds from the Road Maintenance line so the chloride line does need to be updated. The agreement provides for the dispersal equipment (truck bed sprayer and tank), and the company will provide the upkeep and guarantee the equipment. At the conclusion of the discussion Selectman Parker made a motion to approve the contract, which includes rental of the dispersal equipment, and to authorize the Chair to sign the agreement. The motion was seconded by Selectman Borden. The Chair called the vote and it was in favor 3-0.

6:00PM: Non-public Session under RSA 91-A:3, II, a & b

At 6:00pm, the Chair made a motion to enter into non-public session for the purpose of discussing the hiring process associated with a public employee position under RSA 91_A:3, II, a & b. The motion was seconded by Selectman Parker. On a vote of 3-0 the motion passed in favor.

At 7:21pm, the Selectboard voted on a motion by Selectman Borden and a second from Selectman Parker, to enter into public session. The motion passed 3-0 in favor.

While in the public session, the Chair made a motion to seal the minutes under RSA 91-A:3, III to protect the reputation of the candidates that were discussed and preserve the efficacy of the Board’s decision making process.

7:00PM: Selectboard Business Meeting (Contd).

At 7:23pm, the Selectboard discussed a recent Spirit article. It was agreed that Selectman Parker would reach out to Karen Day, newsletter editor, for follow-up.

A discussion on Memorial Day was held. The Sportsmen’s Club will be coordinating the Memorial Day ceremony.

Selectman Parker suggested that the Selectboard plan an employee picnic at some point in July at Oak Park.

It was noted that several people have expressed concerns to Selectboard members about having Music on the Common (MoC) at the Meeting House. It was suggested that the Board discuss moving Music on the Common to Oak Park for the summer. At the conclusion of the discussion, the Board agreed to leave MoC at the Meeting House.

There being no further business the Board voted to adjourn.


At 7:45 pm, Selectman Parker made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by the Selectman Borden. The motion carried 3-0 in a roll-call vote: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.