Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 29, 2021


Town of Greenfield

7 Sawmill Road, Greenfield, NH 03047

Selectboard’s Minutes

Thursday, April 29, 2021 – 5:30 PM

Selectboard: Chairman Robert Marshall, Selectman Michael Borden, Selectman Mason Parker

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator;


5:30 PM: Virtual Meeting Open – Dial In 1+717-275-8940

The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm. Chairman Marshall welcomed everyone to the virtual Selectboard meeting. Chairman Marshall opened the meeting and read a statement provided by the Attorney General’s office regarding virtual meetings. “As Chair of the Selectboard, I find that due to the State of Emergency declared by the Governor as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with the Governor’s Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, which has been extended for the 19th time, this public body is authorized to meet virtually.

Please note that there is no physical location to observe and listen contemporaneously to this meeting, which was authorized pursuant to the Governor’s Emergency Order. However, in accordance with the Emergency Order, I am confirming that we are providing public access to the meeting by telephone.  We are currently working on providing additional access possibilities by video or other electronic means, however, we are a small town and that is not feasible for tonight’s call.

We are utilizing for this electronic meeting. All members of the Board have the ability to communicate contemporaneously during this meeting through this platform, and the public has access to contemporaneously listen and, if necessary, participate in this meeting through dialing the access number posted online or by following the directions on the Meeting Instructions link from the Selectboard’s page on the website. The Website address is

We previously gave notice to the public of the necessary information for accessing the meeting, including how to access the meeting telephonically. If there are problems with access, please email the Town Administrator and he will attempt to help you in real time. In the event the public is unable to access the meeting, the meeting will be adjourned and rescheduled.

Please note that all votes that are taken during this meeting shall be done by roll-call vote.

Let’s start the meeting by taking a roll-call attendance. When each member states their presence, please also state whether there is anyone in the room with you during this meeting, which is required under the Right-to-Know law.

Each selectperson noted that they were alone. The Chair is at home and alone, the Town Administrator is in his office at home and is alone. Selectman Borden is in his home and is alone. Selectman Parker is at the Town Office and is alone.

The Chair stated:  “at this point I would ask that everyone mute their phones by pressing * (star) 6 (six). If there isn’t time for your questions tonight, you can email the Town Administrator and request to be on the agenda during the next meeting. If you have technical difficulties on your end with your computer, laptop, or other electronic device email the Town Administrator if you having trouble connecting in real-time and we’ll try to be of help.

For the foreseeable future the Board will continue to meet by conference call as a result. We'll ask that - to the extent possible - you submit your questions/concerns/comments to the Town Administrator via email in advance so we can have answers ready. Remember to charge whatever device you are using in advance of the meeting. I can assure you everyone in your town government is doing everything in their capacity to ensure your safety, their safety and Greenfield's future. With that said, I would invite participants to bring issues before the Board.”

5:30 PM: Selectboard Business Meeting

The Chair noted that the Consent Agenda has several items that require a vote. The Chair noted that the Emergency Order that allows for virtual meetings requires a roll-call vote for each item. Selectman Borden moved the Consent Agenda and the motion received a second by Selectman Parker. On a roll call vote the Board voted 3-0 in favor of accepting the Consent Agenda: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.

The Chair stated that the Consent Agenda includes a Payroll Check Manifest in the amount of $25,974.52. Selectman Borden made a motion to accept the Payroll check manifest and to release the funds therein. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a roll-call vote, the Board voted 3-0 in favor: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.

The Chair stated that the Board has received an Intent to Cut for R7-5. Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the Intent to Cut. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a roll-call vote, the Board voted 3-0 in favor: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.

The Chair stated that the Board has received an Intent to Cut for V4-11 and V4-12. Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the Intent to Cut. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. Discussion followed. The Board discussed that the Intent to Cut is for a property off of Slip Road. The road was paved not too long ago; a concern is that the logging trucks could damage the pavement. After further discussion, Selectman Borden withdrew his motion. The Board agreed to contact the forester in charge of the cut and to discuss whether a road bond is necessary. The Board tabled the Intent to Cut until 5/6/2021 and requested feedback from the forester.

The Chair stated that the Selectboard has received an Abatement application for R4-41-5. The town’s Assessor has provided a detailed package of information and a letter of recommendation regarding the application. Selectman Borden made a motion to accept the Assessor’s recommendation, which will result in abatement in value from $302,900 to $285,700. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a roll-call vote, the Board voted 3-0 in favor: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.

The Chair stated that the Selectboard has received an Abatement application for V3-29. The town’s Assessor has provided a letter of recommendation regarding the application. Selectman Borden made a motion to accept the Assessor’s recommendation, and deny the request. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a roll-call vote, the Board voted 3-0 in favor: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye. It was noted that the Assessor has recommended changes to the valuation starting in tax year 2021, which are acceptable to the owner of the property.

The Selectboard reviewed an application to rent the Meeting House for Music-on-the-Common during the summer months; every Tuesday from 6/22 through 8/24. A discussion followed. It was noted that the application is for a public gathering and that the application is being put forth by the town’s recreation department and funded primarily through the town recreation budget. A question as to whether the Selectboard should recommend CDC regulations for the event was raised. A discussion followed.  The Chair noted that the Selectboard has the question of public health to consider. At the conclusion of the discussion, Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the application and for the Health Officer to recommend that CDC guidelines in effect during the summer be followed. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a roll-call vote, the Board voted 3-0 in favor: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.

6:00PM: William “Bill” Nichols, Moderator

The Chair welcomed the Moderator at 6:05pm. Moderator Nichols stated that he toured Oak Park with the Town Clerk and feels that the arrangements are in place and the plan is good. He stated that he has only two concerns, one is a question about the requirement for masks outside and the second is regarding the sound system. He stated that the weather report suggests it could be windy. He stated that he understands that the Town Clerk is arranging for a PA system. Selectman Borden stated that he is the Health Officer in Greenfield and several other towns. He stated that recent guidance is that outside events require three foot spacing on all sides but that masks were not required. Selectman Borden stated that the Board has looked into having a tent set-up to provide additional space to the pavilion but that a tent was not available. Selectman Borden suggested that people will have to “bundle up”.

Chairman Marshall asked Selectman Borden about the distance requirements for members of the same household. It was agreed that members of the same household will require less space, which could allow for more people under the pavilion in the case of rain.

Moderator Nichols stated that he would be calling for a voice vote initially and if the voice vote was indeterminate then he would ask for a showing of the voting cards.

Chairman Marshall thanked the Moderator for his time.

6:30PM: Selectboard Business Meeting (Contd).

At 6:23, the Board took up a discussion of the Warrant that will be read at Town Meeting. Chairman Marshall went through the individual warrant articles and indicated the individuals that would be speaking to the articles. Article #2, the Broadband Bond, will primarily be Tom Bascom. Members of Consolidated Communications will be available to answer questions from the public.

The articles were discussed separately and it was noted that Department Heads would speak to the individual budgets as needed (Police, Fire, Library, Recycling, DPW, DPW Buildings & Gorunds). The Town Administrator would speak to articles 5 and 6 regarding the Capital Reserve Accounts and the individual warrant articles. Article 16 is a petition warrant article and a person from the community will be on hand to answer any questions about the article.

Next the Board discussed the remaining Consent Agenda items. The Chair noted that there are two requests for vacation time, one from the Executive budget and one from the DPW B&G budget. Selectman Borden made a motion to approve the vacation requests. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a roll-call vote the Board voted in favor of the motion 3-0:  Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.

Next, the Selectboard reviewed the Minutes of 4/22/2021. A brief discussion followed and amendments from the Chair were noted. Selectman Borden made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Selectman Parker seconded the motion. On a roll-call vote, the Board voted 3-0 in favor of accepting the minutes as amended: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.

Next the Selectboard heard a report from the Town Administrator that Positive Pay with TD Bank has been implemented and the anti-fraud measures have been completed.

The Selectboard discussed an article regarding the Meeting House restoration project for the Greenfield Spirit that Selectman Parker has provided. The Board agreed that the article was ready for publication. Selectman Parker stated that he needed to find an appropriate picture to go with the article and then it would be ready.

The Selectboard discussed opening Sunset Lake beach. A discussion on lifeguards was held. With the closing of the Crotched Mountain pool, the lifeguard certification program is no longer graduating new lifeguards. This has resulted in a significant shortage of summer workers for the entire area. Additionally, COVID-19 shut down in-person training; there have been no applicants for the position. It was noted that surrounding towns are also having difficulty hiring summer recreation staff.

There followed a discussion on the LCHIP program. It was noted that the Friends of the Greenfield Meeting House will be meeting on the 8th after which the Selectboard could meet with them and discuss how the restoration process will move forward.

The Selectboard discussed the DPW Director hiring process and agreed to take up review of the job description and begin the process of reviewing resumes on May 6th.

The Selectboard held a discussion on the water level of Zephyr Lake. Chairman Marshall provided a document that outlines a recent trip to the lake, inspection of the beaver dam culverts, and review of the water level and beaver activity. The document will help the Board address concerns of residents that live on the lake. There was a brief discussion on the culverts and whether they are installed in a way that allows them to be effective.

There being no further business the Board voted to adjourn.


At 7:55 pm, Selectman Borden made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by the Selectman Parker. The motion carried 3-0 in a roll-call vote: Selectman Borden, Aye; Selectman Parker, Aye; Chairman Marshall, Aye.