Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 12, 2019


Town of Greenfield

Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH

Selectboard’s Minutes

Friday, December 12, 2019 – 4:30 PM


Selectboard: Chairwoman Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectwoman Karen Day, Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator;


Documents for Review/Approval:

  1. A/P Check Register – 12/10/2019
  2. Payroll Check Register – 12/13/2019
  3. Selectboard Minutes – 12/05/2019
  4. Welfare Voucher

Other letters/ items for Discussion/Signature:

            1) Town of Pelham – Notice to Abutters Site Plan Review – Wireless Comm. Tower

            2) 2019 Budget Year-to-Date

4:30 PM: Caleb “C.J.” Hall, Recycling Center Supervisor

The Selectboard welcomed C.J. Hall to the meeting. Mr. Hall provided an overview of his first two months as the Recycling Center Supervisor. He explained that there are some improvements to the Recycling Center that he recommends. He advised the Selectboard that there is a risk of contamination with the current glass disposal process because the glass storage area does not have an impermeable floor such as a concrete pad. The center currently monitors and removes non-recyclable glass from the glass pile. This includes Pyrex, light bulbs, and similar non-recyclable glass or glass type products. Contamination of the glass could lead to refusal of the glass in Keene where the cost for recycling is $35 per ton, in which case the glass would need to be disposed at the price for trash ($100 per ton). Selectwoman Day expressed concern that picking through the glass pile might expose the center to liability and Mr. Hall assured her that the removal of material from the pile is safely done. Mr. Hall advocated for a concrete pad under the glass pile so that the transport of glass does not pick up debris such as gravel and dirt. Mr. Hall explained the supply chain for redemption containers. He stated that it would help if the town were to separate deposit bottles and cans from the rest of the glass and cans. There is a market for deposit container because they are kept separate from meat and non-beverage products, which might otherwise cause “off flavors” for beverage manufacturers. Removing these containers will reduce cost for waste tonnage. He stated that several residents have offered to pre-sort their bottles and cans at home to help with the separation of the deposit containers The Mr. Hall stated that he would also like to swap the glass bay with the bay currently being used for metal recycling. The glass bay is much too large for the amount of glass received, whereas the swap would give more room to the metals.

Mr. Hall then outlined his review of the recycling center’s contracts and stated that the contract with Monadnock Disposal is a good price and the contract doesn’t renew until 2022. There followed a discussion about the layout of the center. At the conclusion of the discussion, Selectman Marshall moved to adopt the changes as recommended, including the deposit container program. Selectwoman Day seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0 in favor. The Selectboard set a date of Monday, December 30th at 3:30pm for a budget hearing with Mr. Hall.

5:30 PM: Public Forum

At 5:30pm, it was noted that David Martin and Diane Boilard had come before the Board to discuss issues pertinent to the Emergency Management program. The Selectboard began working through the Consent Agenda. The Board voted on a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectwoman Day, 3-0 to accept the Consent Agenda.

Mr. Martin explained that he was before the Board to ask for the Selectboard Chair to sign off on the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) as part of an annual commitment to the plan. After some discussion the Selectboard agreed and the Chair signed the EOP commitment letter. There followed a discussion regarding the use of the Town Credit Card as it relates to the Emergency Management Department. The EMD would prefer to purchase supplies at Wal-Mart to have on-hand in case the town needs to open an Emergency Operations Shelter. A discussion followed about the processes that the town uses to track purchases. The primary purchasing practice is to order from Staples or to have the Town Administrator purchase online using the town’s credit card. In the past the Selectboard has been clear that employees and officials should not have to use personal funds and then be reimbursed. Mr. Martin stated he would prefer to go to Wal-Mart and pick up items as they would be less expensive than purchasing from Staples. He understands that he would be applying for reimbursement. He stated that it’s important to build the shelter supplies each year because the budget is limited. The Selectboard agreed and, noting the lateness in the year for the current budget, and the possibility that winter is the most likely time of year to need a shelter, offered to extend such reimbursement to the EMD prior to year-end. The Board discussed the potential of changing their stance on reimbursement of expenses. The Selectboard agreed that they would meet with the Treasurer and discuss best practices for the Town. The Chair stated that the town’s policies are not about the individuals in any position, but are meant for everyone today and in the future. As such there are some parts of the policy that may seem cumbersome, but on review the Board may not make any changes, even though they have a high level of trust for their department heads.  Mr. Martin and Ms. Boilard thanked the Board for their support.

6:20 PM: Selectboard Work Session

The Selectboard reviewed RSA 508:12-b with respect to the stipends paid to Fire Fighters in 2019. A discussion followed. It was noted that Mr. Marshall need to leave to go to the ConVal Selectmen’s Advisory Committee meeting at the ConVal SAU.  Mr. Marshall provided some hand-outs before leaving:

1. An edited explanation of the Meeting House Restoration budget reflecting an attempt to get a truer cost estimate including Engineering, Construction Mgt and contingencies.

2. A comparison chart of tax rates, comparative increases and cost per 200k property for 2019.


At 6:40 pm Selectman Marshall made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by Selectwoman Day. The motion carried 3-0.