Oak Park Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 3, 2022

Oak Park Committee

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 3rd, 5:30pm

Meeting was called to order at 5:38pm

Present: Dave Thimmel, Sarah Babb, Alyssum Proctor Russell, Brian Mamzack, Mike Gasper, Sean Sylvester

The following items were discussed:

  1. Old business
    1. Kitchen items to be purchased this year
    2. Update on popcorn machine
    3. Sledding event canceled/winter carnival
  2. Motion to move meetings to every 1st Thursday of the month, all in favor, motion passed
  3. First purchases of 2022
    1. Updated kitchen items
    2. Several new playground pieces, more pricing and research to be done, more fundraising campaign to be done
    3. Possible fencing at playground between road and playground
  4. Make sure future events are booked on town calendar for the year
    1. Spring Clean Up(May? TBD)
    2. Fall BBQ Clean Up, September 24th
    3. Pumpkin Festival October 15th, rain date Oct 22nd
  5. Potential “farm & barn” show for fall(after clean up day but before pumpkin festival)
  6. Create budget list for each event this year
  7. Movie nights, every week, Wednesday or Thursday nights. Need to determine where to display projector, at gazebo?
  8. Yoga in the park – will need yoga instructor



Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm

Next OPC meeting will be Thursday, March 3rd at the Library, 5:30 pm