Cemetery Trustee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 3, 2019

Board of Cemetery Trustees

DATE:  June 3, 2019, 4:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Town Hall Board Room

PRESENT: Trustee Margaret Charig Bliss, Trustee Lee LeBlanc, Sexton Merrill Villmore


In New Business, the Trustees:

INCREASED full burial fees to $700 weekdays, $750 on Saturdays and $800 on Sundays. Motion: LeBlanc.  Second: Charig Bliss. Vote: Unanimous.

DISCUSSED AND APPROVED row-and-plot markers for Greenvale Cemetery, to help visitors find grave stones.  Motion: Charig Bliss. Seconded: LeBlanc. Vote: Unanimous.

RECEIVED A REPORT from Villemore that he had planted Silver Maple seeds where previous seedlings had not survived.

DISCUSSED areas of Japanese Beetle infestation and decided to place pheromone-treated traps that attract and eliminate male beetles rather than expensive applications of toxic killers.

ASKED Villemore to research water protective caps for the tops of the water stand posts.

APPROVED the second installment of stone repair along the front wall.

APPROVED repair of fallen grave stones in the Meeting House Cemetery. Motion: Charig Bliss. Second: LeBlanc. Vote: Unanimous.

NOTED  a lot of winter kill, and reaffirmed decision not to place apple trees in the cemetery since they have proven unsuccessful.

ADJOURNED 5:06. Motion: LeBlanc. Second: Charig Bliss. Vote: Unanimous.