Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 11, 2020



Minute Meetings 8/11/2020

Recorded by Michelle Hall

START: Conducted in person in the Wensberg Room

Role Call: Attending in person: Diane Boilard, Kathy Seigars, Mary Ann Grant, Valli Hannings, David Bridgewater, Bruce Dodge, Jean Rube-Rainier.

Diane called the meeting in order at 6:50 PM. 


July’s Monthly meeting minutes: Diane made a motion to accept the previous meeting minutes as amended, all were in favor; motion passed.

Treasures Report:

Mary Ann’s Trustee treasurer’s report: Mary Ann explained that the library has used 47.5% of their budget as of 8/10/20, everything is on par.

The oil tank is ¾ full and was last filled April 20th.

The phone bill is, on average, $130-140 per month.

Out of the $5,870.03 the Trustees checking account balance $3000 (from the Merrill Fund Income) remains encumbered to be used to contribute to the final purchase of the LLA.

The purchases of new collection items will need to come out of the budget line item.

Payment/Statement: A bill for the amount of $5078.13, from New England Forest Consultants was found in Trustees mail slot for the Library LLA survey and elevations.  We will need to request this amount from the Merrill Fund Income also.  (Mary Ann)

Grant Money payments: (Valli) The Moose Plate Grant is awaiting approval. Bruce will schedule a meeting with Barbara Miller concerning any other proposed grants.

Merrill Fund Balance: The balance is $16,521.70, minus the pending check for New England Forrest Consultants in the amount of $5078.13.

Transfer of the Merrill Fund Income money: A check in the amount of $10,000.00 has been placed in the escrow account of Jarvis Adams for the LLA purchase.

Purchase and Sales agreement signing:  Completed

Computers:  More discussion with our IT person (Steve) for his input.

Diane motioned to accept Mary Ann’s Treasurers report, all were in favor; motion passed.

Director’s report:

David explained that some libraries never closed. However, Francestown and Hancock have been open for some time now without issues.

David found one Chromebook with a camera and a microphone which had been loaned to a local writer. He is now using it for webinars.

Reopening will likely not be until the third week in August.

Kathy and David went to Bank and Aaron to sign up for the library credit card, which will be issued in the upcoming weeks.

Steve recommended for David to purchase a new battery backup/surge protector. He suggested doing updates of the services and replace one or both computers at the service desk. Steve will need to work with them on which ones to update.

David will be going to The Greenfield Commons to pick up books and will explain how to order books.

The library will have a sign posted on the entry door stating that the the Library requests patrons wear masks and that they enter at your own risk. There should be no physical interaction with patrons checking out books when the library reopens.

Diane motioned to accept the directors report, seconded by Kathy, all were in favor; motion passed.

Bruce’s meeting with Barbara Miller –

Bruce has not met with Barbara Miller at this time but will schedule a meeting very soon.

Short-term goals

Patron’s needs require further study to meet them

Expanding patron base N/A at this time

Maintenance of the East Gable wall issue – Diane sent an email to Select Board, explaining Rick’s willingness to do the caulking but he felt they should really get a contractor to repair this.

Fix the masonry wall – This probably won’t be happening very quickly.

The tree in the front of the building needs to be cut down – David spoke with three companies with only one company sending everything- quote, insurance, etc. The one quote was for $800 to cut the tree and remove the wood. It would be an additional $200 for stump removal but no removal of wood chips from the grinding.

Ramp/Walkway is breaking away from the rails – David said that the railings are attached below the cement and are in no danger of breaking away. Diane asked for Rick to schedule and complete the repairs to the cement.


Jean’s Action Items:



Will contact the library’s IT person to discuss:

Opinion on when computers should be replaced (completed 7/10/20)

Will contact the furnace company for them to ensure there is enough filtration on it.

Give McGurty a call to see what they are charging to cover the cleaning.

Discussion on the computer to be given to the Commons.


Will contact Aaron about Town obtaining a credit card for Library Director…. David and Kathy moved this forward, the credit card should be in within 1-2 weeks.  Resolved.

Diane will contact Alyssum Proctor, VP Friends to discuss: Diane sent Alyssum an email but has not received a reply. Alyssum previously believed that the Trustees got everything out in the meeting.

Diane to call the NH Charitable Trust to find out what their documentation consists of for the Merrill Fund. The goal needs to be that we the Trustees and the Friends need to work together on this. If there is anything that the board of trustees can do to make this work smoothly we will do all that we can.


Will Schedule a meeting time with Barbara Miller, Valli Hannings., Kathy Seigars., Ray Cilley. to discuss Grant proposal – Still scheduling for some time in September. TBD


8:30 pm Diane motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Kathy. All agree, meeting adjourn.

Meeting minute respectfully submitted by Michelle Hall