Library Preliminary Minutes 12/02/2015

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 2, 2015


PRESENT: Neal Brown, Bob Marshall, Bruce Dodge, Mary Ann Grant, Jami Bascom.

GUEST: Bill Harper

The minutes were recorded by Patricia LaPree


7:02 PM – The meeting was called to order at this time by Chairman Brown.

Review of the preliminary minutes for the public and non-public sessions on 11.04.15:

For the public session of the meeting there were a few grammatical and syntax changes. On line 28, change “… Bob and Julie…” to “Bob’s and Julie’s”. On line 35, revise “… patrons that are not…” to: patrons that are using the Library for reasons other than computer use or programs”. On line 88, replace Conrad Dumas with Kim Asbury. The motion to accept the public minutes as amended was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 to accept the amended minutes. ACTION: Pat will amend the minutes and post them to the Town website.

7:15 PM – Bill Harper was asked to attend this meeting to consult with the Trustees about how to proceed with the repair of the leaky Library foundation. Bill was the contractor on the addition to the Library in 2002. Bill described how the new addition foundation is surrounded by perimeter drains and there are no issues with the foundation of the addition. He said that to obtain proper drainage for the old part of the Library to stop the leakage, he would recommend that the old foundation be dug out all around and sealed with a non-asphalt sealant, then faced with a Hydro duct board, put in more stone and increase the drainage pipe from a four inch diameter to a six inch diameter. He explained that the soil under and around the original Library is much rougher that what was found when adding the new foundation, which makes it harder to drain. There was structural work done under the old foundation to tie it in to the new foundation. Another issue with the old foundation is that the old mortar has high lime content and has deteriorated so it will need to be fixed. Bob asked if the old foundation drainage could be tied into the new foundation, and Bill reported that the new foundation drainage system is fully utilized now and that the drainage field for the new part is lower than the old foundation, so it would have to be made level as well as expanded. Bill estimated the total cost of repair, including the engineering studies to be in the $60,000. 00 range now, and to plan for a 15%-20% contingency estimate in addition to the bids. He also recommended that the job be done completely and right the first time rather than trying to do only parts of it.

A lengthy discussion followed among the Trustees, the Director as to how to proceed. Julie reported that she talked to the Wilton Library Director about the foundation project that they are re-doing now and what went wrong. She reported that the issues were taking the lowest bid, the drainage field not being low enough and the draining pipes being a too small diameter that resulted in its failure. Jami suggested that the Trustees consider not asking for a warrant article for the repair in 2016, but rather hire the engineers and based on their reports write a list of specifics that need to be included in bids received from contractors for the work. The plan would be to use funds from the Merrill account to pay for the engineering reports (structural for the building and civil for the site work), and ask for $15000.00 to be put in a Capital Reserve Fund in 2016 for the repair of the foundation in 2017. The motion was made by Neal to give this proposal to the Select board and it was seconded by Bruce. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to proceed with the proposal. ACTIONS: Bob will write a memorandum to the Select Board with this proposal.  Julie will get the Trustees on the Select board agenda for the meeting on December 17, 2015.


9:20 PM - The non-public minutes were reviewed by the Trustees. The motion was made by Jami to accept the sealed non-public minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Bruce. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to accept the non-public minutes as written. ACTION: Pat will forward the final minutes to the non-public session of 11.04.15 to the Secretary.


9:23 PM – Treasurer’s Report:

Mary Ann provided the trustees with the year to date expenditures from the Town budget and from the Merrill Fund and revenues to the Library checking account. There are 2 outstanding invoices, and the Merrill fund will be used for book expenditures from now until there is a new town budget. Neal made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and it was seconded by Bruce. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to accept the report.


9:33 PM – Librarian’s Report:

Julie provided the Trustees with her monthly report, including statistics for usage for the month and year to date. A discussion followed about how the Trustees can show their appreciation for the staff of the Library, who Julie describes as very hard working and dedicated and without whom she could not have the Library be so successful. The motion was made by Jami to give $50.00 to each of the four Library staff for a gesture of appreciation at Christmas. The motion was seconded by Neal. The motion passed 3-0. ACTION: Mary Ann will get the cards and cash and the trustees will sign the cards. The funds will come from the Library checking account.


9:48 PM – The motion to adjourn the meeting at this time was made by Bruce and seconded by Jami. The vote was 3-0 to adjourn the meeting.


The next meeting of the Trustees will be on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Wensberg Room.

Respectfully Submitted:

Patricia LaPree