Library Preliminary Minutes 02/11/2015

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 11, 2015


PRESENT: Mary Ann Grant, Bruce Dodge, Jami Bascom, Neal Brown, Bob Marshall, Julie Steenson

The minutes were recorded by Patricia LaPree

7:35 PM – The meeting was called to order by Chairman Brown.


Review of the preliminary minutes from the January 7,2015 meeting:

There were three changes. On line 14, the sentence changed from “…Andre Wood and he did help facilitate…” to “… and he addressed the hardware issues that would have disrupted the transfer from…” and on line 15, the sentence changed from “Julie reported…” to “Julie transferred the data and…” On line 36, delete “and the Merrill fund” from the action item. On line 61, the sentence was changed from “…program will provide…and then as 6 are returned…” to “…program which will provide…every 6-18 months, and every 90 days six new ones will be provided and 6 will be returned.”

The motion was made by Bruce to accept the minutes as amended and it was seconded by Neal. The motion was passed 3-0.ACTION: Pat will amend the minutes and have them posted to the Town website.

7:42 – Treasurer’s Report:

The 2015 year to date report was provided to the Trustees by Mary Ann, as well as a list of outstanding expenditures. There was a discussion about changing the name of line item “dues and program expenses” to “personnel expenses” to better reflect the use of the funds.

The current price of heating fuel is $2.39/gallon.

The current Library checking account balance is approximately 4000.00, pending outstanding expenditures.

Jami made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, and it was seconded by Bruce. The motion to accept the report was 3-0.

7:50 PM – Changes to the 2015 budget:

There were no recommended changes to the proposed 2015 budget at this time.


7:51 PM – The motion was made by Neal to enter into a non-public session at this time in accordance with RSA 91-A: 3. By a roll call vote, the motion passed 3-0 to enter into a non-public session to discuss a personnel matter. A decision was made by the Trustees and the Library Director as to how to proceed with the personnel matter that was discussed.


8:27 PM – The motion was made by Bruce to exit out of the non-public session at this time. The motion was seconded by Jami. By a roll call vote, the motion passed 3-0.

8:27 PM – The motion was made by Neal to seal the minutes of the non -public session. The motion was seconded by Bruce. By a roll call vote, the motion passed 3-0.

8:28 PM – The meeting returned to a public session at this time.


8:28 PM – Proposed reorganization of staffing at the Library:

Julie provided a proposal to the Trustees for a restructuring of the library staffing to better facilitate attending to the maintenance tasks at the Library, to accommodate the new Library hours and to provide 2 staff on site for all open hours. Please see the attached proposal. A discussion followed about the pros and cons of the reorganization, which would eliminate the Children’s librarian position and instead hire three library assistants at the same rate of pay that will not increase the part time wages in the 2015 budget.

The motion was made to accept the reorganization proposal by Bruce and it was seconded by Jami. The motion passed 3-0.ACTION: Julie will adjust the language in the job description to allow people without a college degree to apply for the Library assistant jobs, and she will add the Library logo to the ad copy. She will post the ad as soon as possible.


9:03 PM – Library Director’s report:

Julie presented several policies that she proposed updating to the Trustees. Please see the attached policies.

Public Volunteer policy. Julie provided an application for public volunteers and proposed that the volunteers pay for the criminal background check. Bruce opposed this idea and a discussion followed as to the pros and cons of volunteers incurring the cost. A motion was made by Neal to allocate $70.00 from the Library checking account to pay for volunteer background checks, at a cost of $10.00 per check. The motion was seconded by Bruce. The motion passed 3-0. There was a discussion about volunteers from Crotched Mountain and their staff and whether they also need a background check. Bruce suggested that these volunteers may fall into a separate category from public volunteers because the Library is an educational and/or a vocational opportunity for the residents at Crotched Mountain. ACTION: Julie will talk with Aaron Patt, Town Administrator, for specific recommendations about who needs a background checks to volunteer at the Library. The motion was made to accept the volunteer policy and application as amended by Jami and it was seconded by Bruce. The motion passed 3-0.

Computer/Technology Policy: The motion was made by Jami to accept the policy as written and it was seconded by Bruce. The motion passed 3-0.

Code of Conduct Policy. A discussion ensued about the point in the updated policy that states that skateboards and bicycles are not allowed on the Library property. It was noted that both kids and adults ride their bikes to the Library. Julie explained that it is to prevent use of bikes and skateboards on the ramp to the entrance of the Library. It was suggested that the Director has the discretion to address inappropriate use of these vehicle can be addressed as a disruptive behavior on Library property. A sign can be posted on the ramp as well prohibiting their use on the ramp. It was decided to delete the complete prohibition of the use of bicycles, roller skates and skateboards from the updated Code of Conduct policy. The motion was made by Jami to accept the code of conduct policy as amended and it was seconded by Bruce. The motion passed 3-0.

Julie provided a statistical report for material usage and circulation, new accounts and internal and external searches done in the Apollo system for January 2015. Please see attached report.


The ice jams at the Library and the damage to the ceiling was discussed. Heat tape was supposed to have been installed last year by DPW, but it was not done. It was suggested by Neal that covers for the computers be purchased and put on every night. ACTION: Further discussion and a decision about how to rectify the ice jam problem will be put on the March agenda.


The gas fireplace cannot be safely used due to the chimney not having been lined. ACTION: Bob Marshall will contact mike Borden and obtain an estimate from him for the lining of the chimney.


The emergency exits have not been cleared, it has been done in the past and DPW will be contacted about it by Mike Borden and Dave Hall.


The front door will be re-keyed. The motion to pay for the re-keying of the front door by the Library checking account was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The motion passed 3-0.


Application to the Moose Plate grants will be on the March agenda.

The Trustees and the clerical staff (Pat) will have a email addresses for the purpose of Library business correspondences.

10:05 PM – Other/New business:

Three bids for the basement repairs have been received. They will be discussed at the March meeting.

The new Library Hours are as follows: Wednesday 10-8, Thursdays 2-8, Fridays 2-6 and Saturdays 10-4. Julie has obtained a banner with the new hours on it. It is 6 ft. by 2 ft.

Julie wants an OPEN flag for the Library.  Mary Ann expressed that she hopes the flag is not too big. ACTION: An OPEN flag will be obtained. Neal will affix both the sign and the flag to the Library

10:22 PM – Jami made the motion to adjourn the meeting at this time. The motion was seconded by Neal. The motion passed 3-0.

The next meeting of the Trustees will be on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Wensberg room at the Library.

Respectfully submitted;

Patricia LaPree