Library Minutes 11/04/2015

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 4, 2015


PRESENT: Neal Brown, Bob Marshall, Bruce Dodge, Mary Ann Grant, Julie Steenson.

ABSENT: Jami Bascom

The minutes were recorded by Pat LaPree


7:00 PM – The meeting was called to order by Chairman Brown. Neal appointed Bob to be the voting member for this meeting due to Jami’s absence.

Review of the preliminary minutes from the October 7,2015 meeting:

There were a few changes. On line 21, add ‘’ CMRC’’ after ‘’…mandate for…’’, on line 26 change ‘’ad’’ to ‘’and’’, and on line 39, delete ‘’ suggestion by Bob’’ and replace with ‘’ an agreement ‘’. Bob moved to accept the minutes as amended and the motion was seconded by Bruce. The vote was 3-0 to accept the minutes. ACTION: Pat will amend the minutes and post them on the Town website,


7:08 PM – Treasurers report:

Mary Ann provided the Trustees with the year to date expenditures from the Town budget and a report of the Library checking account balance, monthly deposits and outstanding invoices as of November 2, 2015. There are two invoices that are not on the report. A discussion followed about the remaining balance in the fuel line item in the Town budget. Julie reported that there will be a need for more supplies for the Library for the remainder of the year, and there are current furniture needs for the Library as well, due to the increased use of the Library, there are not enough chairs for people to sit and work at the library. She also suggested that a flat screen TV/monitor be purchased for the Wensberg room because it is hard to see projection on the white wall when the lights are on. These suggestions will be revisited by the trustees at the December meeting. The trustees also requested that the monthly expenditures from the Merrill fund be included in the Treasurer’s report, and Mary Ann will do that. The motion to accept the Treasurers report was made by Bob and seconded by Neal. The motion passed 3-0 to accept the report as presented.


7:22 PM – A review of the ‘’ Notable Events” document that Bob circulated to the Trustees:

The Trustees responded to Bob’s and Julie’s draft and additions were made electronically. This will be an in house document that will be used as a tool for evaluation of the Director and as a resource for writing articles and the Town report. Julie reported that she has submitted a ‘’year in review’’ article for the December/January issue of the Spirit. The Trustees thanked Julie and Bob for their work.


7:30 PM – Directors Report:

Julie provided the Trustees with her monthly report that includes monthly and year to date usage statistics and programming attendance. She reported that she has added monthly data about the number of adult and children patrons that are using the Library for reasons other than computer use or programming. Julie also reviewed the holiday schedule with the Trustees, that will include being open on Monday and Tuesday during the weeks of school vacation. The Trustees are fine with the scheduled open times changes and there is staffing to cover it within budget.


7:42 PM – The need for a policy to address a non-profit uses the Library for fund raising. A discussion followed about what other organizations, besides the Friends of the Library, should be allowed to do fund raising at the Library. Julie did consult with the State Librarian and reported that the recommendation was to not discriminate and to develop a policy. ACTION: Julie will find a template of a policy to address this and it will be discussed at the December meeting.


7:48 PM – Discussion on the status of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Town. There were several points brought up and discussed about the MOU:

The Board of Selectmen has received it and have some changes to add to it, per the Town Administrator.

Julie was on the agenda for the October 29th Select Board meeting to discuss the MOU, then was informed that she was taken off the agenda, per TA. Julie still attended the October 29th meeting, and the Board told her they will let her know when the MOU will be formally discussed by the Select Board.

There was a lengthy discussion about how to , or whether to, move forward with the MOU , and whether the Town will, in fact, take over the responsibilities of the building and grounds maintenance of the Library in 2016. Julie has been acting in good faith with the Town, and it seems evident to Julie and the Trustees that the MOU may need to be reconsidered in order for the Library to get the needed repairs done on the basement before a more drastic outcome, like closure of the Library, may become imminent. RSA 202 A: 10 and A: 11 state that the Trustees are the overseers of the Library building, and the Town has the responsibility to appropriate an ‘’appropriate amount of money’’ at Town meeting for the maintenance of the Library for the Town.

The current budget that the Select Board has for the Library for 2016 does not includes monies for the repair and maintenance of the building. Julie provided an adjusted preliminary budget that includes that line item. The Trustees will write a warrant article for the repair of the Library foundation for the 2016 Town meeting. The Trustees and the Select Board have to work together toward the common goal of keeping the Library building in good repair. The preliminary budget meeting for the Library with the Select Board is on November 5. ACTION: Julie, Neal and Mary Ann will attend and they will defend the budget as submitted without the buildings and maintenance line item in it.

The Capital Improvement Projects hearing is November 19, and Bob will be in attendance as a member of the planning board, but will also speak as an alternate Trustee of the Library to the need for repairs to the Library foundation.

ACTION items: Bob will contact Mike Sparling, who was the Clerk of the Works for the 2002 addition to the Library and get as built plans for the sewer and water lines. Neal will find out from the Select Board the final date for submission of a warrant article for the 2016 Townwarrant. There have been three bids obtained for the work needed.

8:45 PM – Pursuant to NHRSA 91-A: 3(d), Chairman Neal Brown made the motion to enter into a non-public session at this time. The motion was seconded by Bob Marshall. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to enter into a non-public session.


8:50 PM – The motion was made by Neal to exit out of the non-public session at this time. The motion was seconded by Bruce. By a roll call vote of 3-0, the non- public session was ended. No decision was made.


8:50 PM: The motion was made by Neal to enter back into public session at this time. The motion was seconded by Bruce. The roll call vote was 3-0 to enter back in to public session.


8:50 PM – The motion was made by Bruce to seal the minutes of the non- public session, and it was seconded by Bob. By a roll call vote of 3-0 the motion passed to seal the minutes.


8:51 PM – Other/New Business:

Julie reported that she is planning on having sheep at wooly story time on November 14 and Kim Asbury will provide the sheep. She still needs to figure out how to transport them to the Library. She has submitted a press release to the Ledger-Transcript.

Julie reported that some of the Library events are now on You Tube.

Bob asked Julie how the Trustees can be of help to her with the increased popularity of the Library. Julie said that advocating for the 2016 budget, forming a strategic planning committee for use of the Library space and setting goals for 2016 for the Library are what she needs.

9:03 PM - The motion to adjourn the meeting at this time was made by Bruce, and seconded by Bob. The vote was 3-0 to adjourn the meeting.


The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Wensberg Room.


Respectfully Submitted,

Patricia LaPree