Library Minutes 07/01/2015

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Stephenson Memorial Library
Wednesday July 1, 2015     
Minutes recorded by Bob Marshall


Present: Julie Steenson, Mary Ann Grant, Jami Bascom, Bob Marshall,


7:07 JBascom volunteered to conduct the meeting. She appointed MAGrant and BMarshall to sit in. Minutes

June 3, 2015  minutes were reviewed. Several grammatical/mechanical errors were corrected. The following substantive changes were made:

Line 52  Replace “secretary’s book” with “Trustees Minutes binder”, sentence to read:  “This information will be included in the Trustees Minutes binder monthly from now on”

Line 58  Replace “any”” with “a”, sentence to read:  “There was a lengthy discussion about a policy relating to….”

Line 74  Add  ”the matter” Sentence to read : “She has sent a certified letter and once the letter has been refused or signed for, the matter will be turned over to the Greenfield Police.”

Bmarshall moved to accept the minutes as amended. MAGrant seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.


7:18  Action Items

A brief discussion about when to discuss action items ensued. For purposes of efficiency, BMarshall moved to create a new agenda heading called Old Business to follow the Treasurer’s and Library Director’s reports in our meeting agendas. MAGrant seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.


7:20 Treasurer’s Report

The monthly report from the Town was reviewed. A brief discussion followed about the quality of the bookcases that Julie discovered and how well they fit the Library’s needs. She has been reimbursed from funds in the checking account. It was noted that at the half way point of the year, we have consumed 48.7% of the budget. JBascom asked about the Education/Conventions line and the Mileage line. She asked Julie if she was taking mileage for all the travelling she does for conferences, with particular attention to Julie’s upcoming training in Concord. JSteenson explained why she did not report those expenses. The feeling of the members present is that she should be compensated as these are library related educational activities. BMarshall moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, MAGrant seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.


7:40 Directors Report

The members reviewed the report. JSteenson asked if there were any questions. The Trustees were complimented about their logo development and how professional it looked. BMarshall asked if the sign elevation in front of the Library had been corrected following installation. She said that it had not.


BDodge arrived at 7:50. He reported that the company that he used to repair leaks in his foundation still exists and he will contact them to see if they would be willing to bid on our foundation project.

He agreed to contact the company that installed the Library sign and ask it be corrected. He left at 8:22 due to other commitments.


MAGrant asked JSteenson to explain the new zero based budgeting process that was going to be used this fall. She did, explaining that the goal here is to create more accurate budgets.


BMarshall noted that he liked the reporting of donations. JSteenson said she is tracking those throughout the year.


During JSteenson’s absence for Primex training, BMarshall and MAGrant volunteered to be available should any assistance at the Library be needed by staff. BMarshall suggested that the Trustees develop a call list for assistance for Library staff in the event of unforeseen circumstances.


JSteenson reported that she has received a bid from Builder’s Installed Products, $58,000, to mitigate conditions causing ice dams. We will continue to look for alternative solutions.


8:05 Old Business-Action Items

1. Allen-Matthewson owns our propane tank. WE pay no rent on the tank. WE do not have a quote yet for a vented system for the gas fireplace in the Adult Reading Room. Julie will try to get a quote for our next meeting.


2. Spread Sheet –JSteenson has prepared a spreadsheet that she and MAGrant will use to track expenses so we’ll be on the same page.


3. BMarshall presented the proposed Evaluation process he and JSteenson had prepared. This was developed to provide specifics for the Evaluation policy adopted a few years ago. Several edits were made but no substantive changes were suggested. JBascom moved to accept the process as amended. MAGrant seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. JBascom suggested that the specific dates be established and the process be put into effect at our meeting in August. The final copy, including edits, is attached to these minutes.


4. JBascom reported that the circulation policy is still being worked on.


5. CIP proposals: BMarshall, working with JSteenson, has volunteered to prepare these reports this year. In the past, the Chair of the Trustees had prepared these proposals. In the future the Director, working with the Trustees should develop these recommendations. Four CIP proposals were recommended:

        A. Repair the Leak in the Basement-This is the top priority and an urgent item. Trustees agreed         this should be the top  priority, completed as soon as possible, 2016 at the latest.

        B. Installation of HVAC and a Generator-This is the second priority, necessary category, that   would include the installation of central air conditioning, a heat pump and a generator. This   would assure protection of the Library’s collection, help reduce energy consumption during the        winter months and assure continued protection during periods of lost power. Additionally, with a        generator, the Library could become a warming/cooling center during emergencies, thus   reducing the need to house residents at the Fire Station. Estimates, needing to be updated, are in

        the vicinity of $18,000. Costs of a generator are coming, to be added. Our second priority, we

        feel this should be scheduled for 2016 completion.

        C. Construct an Interior stairway to access the Wensburg room and kitchen facilities downstairs.

        Our third priority, in the necessary category, we recommend completing this item in 2017. The   current access to the downstairs is not in code compliance. The only access for the public is from      out of doors. This prevents of the Library from using the downstairs often because of lack of   staffing to cover both locations. Users of the Wensberg Room cannot reach staff in the library  without going out of doors. Completion of this should also include completion of the downstairs         kitchen and bathroom facilities that have not been completed since construction took place in   2003-04. Cost estimates are forthcoming.

        D. Parking lot expansion and paving. This proposal calls for the acquisition of additional land         and redesign of the parking lot to accommodate growth in use of the library. We currently have  a twelve space parking lot and though the building is handicap accessible, we are not compliant         with marking of handicapped parking spaces. At times staff must ask people to move their        vehicles because the parking spots are not laid out. The gravel lot is often washed out, making it      difficult for handicapped patrons to attend programs. Increased use of the Library results in           on-street parking, creating safety hazards. We have one quote, $4780, for grading and base coat         paving.


        The Trustees felt we should move forward with the top three items. Due to the complexity of     negotiating for additional land space and the uncertainty of that, the Director and the Trustees

           Feel we should remove this item for the CIP at this time.


9:07    Status of the Physical Plant  

1. Foundation leaks. JSeenson had some recent photos to complement thos taken in 2014. This was discussed previously tonight under the CIP discussion, letter A.


2. Climate Control-Discussed previously under CIP discussion, letter B


3. Shades. JSteenson feels we should hold off on that purchase. Arrival of leaves on trees has partially mitigated that problem.


4. Action on Ice Dams-Builders Installed Products proposal, $548,000, discussed earlier. We should continue this discussion when all members of the Trustees are present.


9:18  New Business


JSteenson requested authority to purchase an additional de-humidifier for the downstairs. JBascom moved to authorize Julie to acquire a new de-humidifier, cost not to exceed $300. BMarshall seconded. MAGrant will work with Julie to acquire same.


JSteenson requests that Trustees try to tailor their requests to meet with her during her scheduled time. Summer time for Librarians is comparable to tax time for accountants with summer reading, program presentation/development etc. She is working hard on her own time management skills and would appreciate our assistance.


BMarshall raised the issue of additional meeting time again. He feels that we would be more productive with shorter, but more frequent Trustee meetings. He will consult with Trustees and bring a proposal for the August meeting.


9:30 Adjournment

JBascom moved to adjourn, MAGrant seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.