Library Minutes 05/07/2014

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Present: Jami Bascom, Neal Brown, Bob Marshall. Mary Ann Grant, Bruce Dodge, Gail Smith, Kristin Readel.

Absent: Scott Jones.

Minutes recorded by Patricia LaPree.


7:07 PM – Chairman Brown called the meeting to order.

1)      Review of the minutes from the April 2, 2014 meeting. After review, the motion was made to accept the minutes as written by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to accept the minutes. ACTION: Pat will have the final minutes posted to the Town website.

2)      A review of the action items from the April meeting:

Neal reported that he and Kristin will work on an invitation to the Select Board.

Neal also reported that he worked on the extreme weather policy and that it is in final form for acceptance.


7:12 PM – Treasurers Report:

Mary Ann provided two reports to the Trustees and Staff for review: The Town report of year to date spending of the budget, and a break down of the checking account income sources and which of those sources are designated for various uses. A discussion followed about how the funds come into and go out of the account, and Mary Ann answered all questions. Bob stated that the break down made for good, transparent information for the Trustees and the Staff and helps them do their job in a more effective manner. The Trustees thanked Mary Ann for the document.

A discussion was had about the year to date expenditures in the budget. Mary Ann noted that fuel costs for the year to date have two outstanding deliveries so there is around $3000.00 left for the year, and the Trustees discussed with the staff the balance for dues and professional expenses. A motion was made by Bruce to accept the Treasurer’s report, and it was seconded by Jamie. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to accept the report.


7:36 PM – Librarians report:

Gail provided the monthly statistics, and Kristin talked about a couple of other statistics of usage that have been captured by the Alexandria program.

Kristin also reported that she met with the staff at MacDowell Colony and showed them the Alexandria program

There was a discussion about the request by the Town Administrator that departments exercise frugality in spending their budgets until bi-annual tax revenues come in. The TA clarified to Mary Ann that it pertained to big ticket items in budgets, and that the Library’s book expenditures would be fine and the staff should let him know what they will be spending.


The Trustees and Librarians would like to support the Concert on the Common program. Neal made the motion that $250.00 be donated to the program from the library checking account. Jami seconded he motion, and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative to make the donation.


Neal reported that the old bricks from the Library that are in use at the recycling center can remain there.

Kristin asked whether the items in the Library basement can be removed. ACTION: Bruce will contact the Historical Society bout whether there are any historical items that might be in the basement.


Neal reported that the DPW has access to a number of window air conditioner units for the Town. A lengthy discussion followed about the pros and cons of using window units versus pursuing a more long term solution to the need for better cooling in the building in the summer. Neal reported that grant money and /or a warrant article will be needed for the upgrade of the heating and cooling system. Jami noted that the trustees need to continue to develop a comprehensive plan, including two more bids for the upgrades needed. Other ideas that were discussed included an external awning and thermal film on the south windows. A motion was made by Jami to get the two units for the Library. It was seconded by Neal and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative to purchase the window units. ACTION: Neal will negotiate with the DPW about getting two units for the library and that the cost will include installation with staff input for locations and removal at the end of the season.


Another big project for the Library this year is to deal with the dampness in the basement. A discussion followed about moving the book sale upstairs and whether the basement can be emptied for the repairs needed to rectify the problem.


8:23 PM – Final discussion of the extreme weather policy:

The final draft of the policy was provided to staff and trustees prior to the meeting. A discussion followed to delete the sentence that states there will be a sign posted on the library door .The motion to adopt the policy as amended was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The vote was unanimous to adopt the policy. ACTION: Jami will make the change noted.


8:30 PM – Final discussion of the Library Director performance review:

The trustees and Staff reviewed the document, and there was a brief discussion about whether this would be an annual tool or used more frequently, as in the case of a new hire.

The motion was made by Bruce to adopt the document for a two year period, and Neal seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to adopt the instrument for a two year period and evaluate it again at that time.


8:40 PM – Final discussion on the Library logo design:

Jami showed the final design that Rose Lowry made incorporating the contest winner’s concepts. A motion was made to accept the logo as shown, and it was seconded by Bruce. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to adopt the logo design. ACTION: Bruce will make calls to sign makers about making a two sided outdoor sign.


8:50 PM – Election of officers:

Chairman: Neal Brown.

Treasurer: Mary Ann Grant.

Secretary: Jami Bascom.


8:55 PM – Other/old business:

1)      The second window has still not been installed.

2)      Neal reported that the acquisition of land from the Manginis is off the table. The family has decided to sell the property as is.

3)      HB 297, which deals with changes to how municipal trustees of the trust fund can manage and record the management of capital reserve funds, will be signed by the governor because it has passed the House and Senate.


9:05PM – Jami made the motion to adjourn the meeting at this time, and the motion was seconded by Bruce. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to adjourn the meeting.

The next meeting of the Trustees will be on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the Library.


Respectfully submitted,

Patricia LaPree