Library Minutes 04/01/2015

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Stephenson Memorial Library
Wednesday April 1, 2014
Minutes recorded by Bob Marshall


Present: Julie Steenson, Mary Ann Grant, Jami Bascom, Bob Marshall, Neal Brown, Bruce Dodge


7:04 Minutes

The March 4, 2014 minutes were reviewed. Several grammatical/mechanical errors were corrected. The following substantive changes were made:

Line 10 Replace “assistants” with “hires”, sentence to read:  Julie brought three new hires to the                      meeting…

Line 11 Replace “assistant” with “aide/substitute”, sentence to read:  “Austin Clark is a temporary   Library aide/substitute.” Strike …”and has worked with Julie in the past.”

Line 34 Strike ”…and the bids for repair of the basement…” Sentence to read : ”…such as the re-keying of the front door are moving forward.”

Line 36 Replace “ e/telescope” with “e-reader”, sentence to read: “…she presented an e-reader use policy…”

Line 46 Strike “books” and replace with “…audits of financial accounts will be the week of April 13th,”. Sentence to read “…reported that the audits of the library financial accounts will be the week of April 13th”.  Bruce moved to accept the minutes as amended, Neal  seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.


7:12 Treasurer’s Report

Mary Ann announced that we now have a new debit card. She has ordered new checks and they will be in soon. Julie announced that our spending, at 23% of the budget, is where we should be at 25 % of the way through the year. Mary Ann expressed concern over our higher electric rates. Members reminded her of the new substantial rate increase. It was also noted that on some occasions, lights have been left on by the cleaners. Julie will address that. Neal moved to accept the Treasurers report, Jami seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.


7:20 Directors Report

Neal asked Julie if she would explore ways to reduce the traffic of dirt, especially during the winter, into the Wensburg room, expressing concern over the wear and tear on the carpeting. Julie will look into options.


Julie presented the new bulletin board she received from Hillsborough via Carol at the Recycling Center. It will be used to broadcast upcoming events.


Julie also noted that the town passed our Department of Labor visit/assessment with no violations found and no fines issued.  It was discovered that we have problems with fluorescent lighting in the basement that will need to be addressed. The formal report with recommendations is expected in 3-5 weeks.


Bruce reported on the recent reading of “Shakespeare’s Will”, at which four people attended. He noted that we may want to consider some lighting alternatives for the Wensburg Room in that lighting is either on or off and is difficult to regulate. Jami noted that maybe Merrill money might be used.


A brief discussion about the use of Merrill money for shelving ensued. Advantages of mobile shelving were shared. We continue to have confusion about the specific language governing how Merrill funds can be expended. Mary Ann will seek clarification from the Trust.


Discussion continued about climate control in the building. Julie expressed her concern about the coming summer months. We will have further discussions on this topic at length in our May meeting.

The Policy subcommittee (Bruce and Jami) will meet with Julie on April 22 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss meeting room use policy.


Julie presented an extensive analysis of our computer systems. She noted our current system is having a negative impact on the operation of the library. Among other things, she noted:

The Linux system doesn’t interface well with our Microsoft software.

Our system is difficult for a Windows public to use.

Our system frequently needs updating which is difficult to get.

Andre Wood provides our service and he is very busy. He is our only network manager.

We need a dedicated catalogue computer. Andre confirmed our hardware is not up to the task.

Dysfunction wastes staff time and makes it difficult for the public to access needed items.

As a result, she contacted Allan Treadwell, Twin Bridge Services about potential solutions. He responded with a proposal that includes several options. Julie reviewed those options and feels that the one that includes updated, rebuilt hardware, new software, a one year service agreement and 3 year warranty on hardware makes the most sense.


Extensive discussion followed. The Trustees agreed with Julie’s analysis.The Trustees felt that we should meet with Andre Wood, thank him for his generous service the past few years and inform him of our decision to move in a new direction. Bruce, Julie and Bob will schedule a meeting with Andre. Thanks to a generous anonymous donation of $3000, the Trustees felt that they may be able to move forward with this transition within existing budget.  Following the meeting with Andre on April 8 (previously scheduled meeting for the Policy Committee will be rescheduled), the Trustees will move to contract with Twin Bridge Services (Allan Treadwell) for this transition, details to be determined.


8:48 Ice Dams

Neal reported that Kevin DeGrenier from Builders Installed Products has proposed to do an analysis of the addition and suggest a solution to the ice dam issue. He will conduct the review on April 7 at 8:30 a.m. for $375. Jami moved to conduct the analysis for $375, funds to come from our Building Repairs/Maintenance account, Bruce seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.


8:57 Library Directors Title-US Department of Labor

Julie has worked many more that the 29 hours for which she is paid. As a result, we are in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Due to the nature of her work, she is qualified under the Administrative Exemption (Section 13 (a) 1 of the Fair Labor Standards Act) to become a salaried employee rather than an hourly employee, as long as her compensation exceeds $455 per week, which her wages do. Bruce noted that we need to think about this position for the future and whether or not it can be done with a part-time employee. Neal agreed. Bruce moved to process the certification necessary to change Julie’s status from part-time to salaried. Neal seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.


9:10 Moose Plate Grant status

Neal began discussion of the process. He has contacted Peter Michaud for guidance. Bruce has contacted Martha Pinello, a state Archeologist as well. Bob contacted Mark Kate Ryan, State Survey Coordinator and Deb Gagne, Grants Coordinator from the Division of Historical Resources.


It is clear from our sources that this is a detailed and extensive process that needs our full attention and would be impossible to attempt at this time. If we chose to have a professional preparation of the application, it would cost between $2,000 and $5,000.


It was agreed that we should prepare this application ourselves, seeking assistance where needed. If we complete the NH Division of Historical Resources Inventory, and it is determined that we might be eligible for inclusion on that list, then we would be qualified to apply for the Moose Plate Grant, even if we were not on the State Register. Mary Ann expressed concern that if we were included on the Register, we might not be able to do renovations to the Library. Bob noted that the Town Office building is on the State Register and yet major renovations were conducted there to convert the facility to a Town Office. Neal said he had sent around a brief history he had begun, the source of which was the Town History.


9:35 Adjournment

Bruce moved to adjourn, Jami seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.