Trust Fund Trustees Minutes

Meeting date: 
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Greenfield, NH

Trustees of Trust Funds Meeting Minutes


Meeting date:  May 14, 2017 @ 4:34 p.m.

Attendees:  Ken Paulsen, Vicki Norris, and Linda Nickerson

Vote was unanimous to have Ken Paulsen remain as Chairman.  Thank you Ken for doing such a great job.

Town audit went well this year, no questions with any documents or reporting.

It was noted that Charter Trust has made the adjustment to the statements in regards to where the fees would be posted on Common Trust investments.

We reviewed the funds and are still very happy with how Charter Trust is managing the Towns funds. 

We noted and would like to suggest to the appropriate people involved that Fire Truck/Ambulance CRF requests to Trustee of Funds should be addressed prior to selectperson meeting.  Possibly an agenda could be sent to the Trustees if something we need to be aware of is being presented so that one of us can make arrangements to be there.  We would like to be available for any questions or concerns regarding how the fund was set up versus how the request may be presented.  This could allow us to advise prior to the purchase rather than being confronted with an invoice that requires payment after the fact.

When purchases are being made, we believe it would be in the best interest to acknowledge in writing that any proceeds from the sale of no longer in use vehicles, etc. be done so that any sold cash value would be returned to the fund for the next purchase prior to release of funds.

A request will be made to Charter Trust for year end documents to be sent earlier even if in preliminary form and follow up with any changes that may be needed so that we can meet town deadlines for MS9 & 10 reporting.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Norris