Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Town of Greenfield

7 Sawmill Road, Greenfield, NH 03047

Selectboard Minutes

Thursday, March 23, 2023 – 5:30 PM

Selectboard: Chairman Mason Parker, Selectman Michael Borden, Selectman Bascom

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator; Jim Morris, DPW Director; David Martin, EMD

Public: Rowan Wilson, Ledger Transcript

Documents for Discussion/Signature

  1. A/P Check Register dated 3/22/2023 in the amount of $66,840.63
  2. Payroll Check Register dated 3/17/2023 in the amount of $36,274.67
  3. A/P Void Check Register – Reissued Check #74368
  4. New Hire Worksheet – Library
  5. MS 232 – NHDRA Report of Appropriations
  6. Mapping and Planning Solutions – EOP payment 1st half
  7. Purchase Order – DPW Grader Tires
  8. Meeting House Rental – Greenfield Recreation “Paint Night”
  9. Meeting House Alcohol Permit – Birthday Party
  10. Welfare Voucher
  11. Minutes of 3/09/2023

Other letters/ items for Discussion/Signature:

  1. Police Station Contract
  2. Letter – NHDOS Director re: Broadband Mapping
  3. Paving Quote – 7300’ of New Boston Road
  4. Budget YTD

5:30 PM: Public Forum

The Chair opened the meeting at 5:30 pm and noted that the meeting would be a short meeting due to a ConVal meeting at 7pm. The Chair welcomed David Martin, EMD to the meeting.

Mr. Martin and the Board discussed the future plans for the Meeting House with an emphasis on whether the Meeting House could be used as an emergency shelter once renovations were completed. The discussion is preliminary according to Mr. Martin, but he is interested to be a part of the vision process.

The Selectboard signed documents. The consent agenda was approved on a motion by Selectman Borden, and a second by Selectman Bascom, all in favor.

5:45 PM: Jim Morris, DPW Director

The Chair welcomed Mr. Morris to the meeting. DPW Director Morris stated that he had a staff health issue to bring to the Board and that he would like a non-public under RSA 91-A for the meeting. The Chair made a motion to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3, II, A&C. Selectman Borden seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0 to enter into non-public session.

At 6:00, the Board voted on a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectman Bascom to enter into the public session, all in favor. While in the public session, the Chair made a motion to seal the minutes for the purpose of maintaining confidentiality (reputation) of an employee issue. The motion was seconded by Selectman Bascom and voted 3-0 in favor.

6:00 PM: Heath Mitchell, 775 Forest Road LLC

At 6:00 pm, Heath Mitchell joined the Selectboard to follow-up on a proposal by the 775 Forest Road LLC. The Chair provided a recap of the proposal and its evolution. The proposal started as a simple project – the completion of stormwater drainage to the rear of the property formerly owned by Rymes (the old gas station). As the proposal evolved, the proposal envisioned the Board swapping land from the town; a small orphan lot adjacent to the wastewater site that runs along the backside of a portion of the 775 Forest Road property. The proposal also included the town providing additional land from the wastewater site property to adjoin the orphan lot. This portion of the proposal is to support a development project being undertaken by the LLC, which is seeking to accommodate building and parking. The Chair explained that on review of the proposal, Town Counsel has advised that the Selectboard’s authority to sell (or swap) land is based on two separate permissions provided by Town Meeting. While the Board has the authority to ultimately engage in the sale of the property, the RSAs that provide the authority require a significant number of steps and these include notice to the Planning Board, notice to the Conservation Committee, two public hearings, and there is the possibility that other parties may have an interest in the properties during the process. As such the Chair explained that the process is not as straightforward as originally thought and may need to be opened up to other potentially interested parties. In addition, based on Town Counsel’s comments, the cost to go through the process will be significant for the town.

Mr. Mitchell explained that the drawings that the LLC provided were based on architectural renderings, but are not the only possibility for the site. The site plan is one of many different possibilities. Mr. Mitchell outlined the cost to complete the stormwater drainage. Due to the high cost of materials today, the cost is likely more than the value of the property. The LLC’s interest in developing the property is separate but Mr. Mitchell acknowledged that they were surprised when they found out how much it would cost to clean up the backside of the property. The Board and Mr. Mitchell continued the discussion.

Mr. Mitchell discussed the wastewater connection with Selectman Borden.

6:30 PM Selectboard Work Session

The Selectboard reviewed a final contract between the town and Triple Construction. The contract is pending the inclusion of the cost of a bond but has been reviewed by Town Counsel. The Chair made a motion that on receipt of the contract with updated cost, inclusive of the bond, that Town Administrator Patt, or CEO Borden have the authority to sign the agreement on behalf of the Selectboard. The motion was seconded by Selectman Bascom. All in favor.

Next the Selectboard reviewed a contract from Wired Electric to complete some rough wiring of the Old Town Office, based on discovery of deficient wiring after the interior demolition was completed by DPW. The Selectboard voted in favor of the proposal based on a motion by the Chair and a second from Selectman Bascom.

The Board discussed posting the Recreation Director position and the clerical position at the Town Office.

There being no further business, the Board voted to adjourn.


At 6:50 pm, The Chair made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by the Selectman Bascom. The motion carried 3-0.