Greenfield Conservation Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Date:                     April 25, 2018

Attendees:         Karen Day, Carol Irvin, Stephanie Kokal, Roger Lessard, Janet Renaud

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chairperson Roger Lessard. The following items were addressed:

  1. Accept or Amend Previous Meeting Minutes – Karen made the motion to accept, Carol seconded, motion passed.
  2. Janice Pack will take minutes starting in May;  will be paid hourly.
  3. GCC-sponsored program offerings – at GCIA meeting, Carele Mayer mentioned that she bands butterflies and offered to do a program.  Coordinate with Candi’s talk.  Possibly include Megan Ham, beekeeper.  Free bat program is available from UNH-CE Coverts program.
  4. Discuss possible signage for town conservation properties – Neal communicated to Roger that the Givers will plant the signs in the ground.  Stephanie offered to donate the use of her tractor-mounted auger.  Ask Mike Borden if it meets sign ordinance.  Total cost ~ $300, from conservation fund.
  5. Well water testing – target later in the summer – to be revisited at next meeting.  Karen needs it in time for Spirit deadline (“Save the Date”).  Roger will check with NHDES on available dates.  Stephanie moved to let Roger plan it; Carol seconded – motion passed.
  6. Pollinator project update – down-scaled RR embankment idea from primary project to a test patch in order to solve irrigation puzzle; focus switched to the several Meeting House beds.  $17 per test for soil samples. Roger spoke to grounds people so they are aware.  Maggie Sauvain of Stonegate Gardens will help design it; GCC will purchase the plants.  Karen looked at “plant plugs” as an option, a mass of all one kind looks great and affords the pollinators a better and easier pollen harvest– black-eyed Susans; native flowers would be preferred.  Get prices and review.  Library, too; work with Beverly – projects for kids.  Milkweed is ideal for butterflies.
  7. Schedule work session to clean up GCC files – stuff in boxes needs to be cataloged or tossed.  Stephanie, Roger, Karen volunteered – May 3rd at 9:00 a.m.
  8. Inventory of GCC maps, creation of primer for new members, etc.  – Candi has spreadsheet of maps – is it done?    Adams land is actually called Reynolds field.  Primer – Roger will start it; Stephanie offered to help.
  9. Perennial calendar of GCC events – May 5th easement walk.  June ideas:  turtle awareness, turkey poults, Robertson walk, tie in with the LAC, Barry Wicklow turtle talk.
  10. Possible attendance at the NHDES Drinking Water Protection Conference on May 17th – no-one expressed interest in going.
  11. Janet tendered her resignation as member, Vice-Chair and member of the Forestry Committee.  May remain as alternate, and offered to answer queries.
  12. NRI review status – 80% done, OK to pay 80% ($3000).  SWRPC is on the hook for hard copies, web version.   Karen can manage finishing up the edits and putting it together in the future.
  13. Anybody visitd Candi’s website?  Yes; great!  Ken Paulsen has contributed numerous excellent photos, all taken in Greenfield. Stephanie stated that she had trouble uploading documents.
  14. Letter was sent by NHDES to the property owner of the future Sawmill Self-Storage listing thirteen requirements, all of which must be resolved by June 9.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. The next regular meeting of the Greenfield Conservation Commission is May 23, 2018 at 7:30 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Renaud to Roger Lessard for approval, corrections, distribution, and posting.