Conservation Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Attendees:         Karen Day, Janet Renaud, Roger Lessard, Stephanie Kokal, Candi Fowler, Neal Brown, Bob Marshall (guest), Ken Paulsen (guest), Henry Underwood (guest), and Janet Lutkus (minute-taker)

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by chairperson Roger Lessard. The following items were addressed:

  1. Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) report and survey – Henry Underwood first presented the survey results and then discussed the draft NRI report.
    • The short survey was created in March and sent out to the residents of Greenfield via the local “Greenfield Spirit” publication in April. Participants were invited to answer the survey online or in hard copy. There were 72 responses in total (online and in response to the Spirit). Both Henry Underwood and Roger Lessard remarked that this represented a good response – 10% of the households. Henry walked through all the survey questions and responses as follows:
      • 90% agreed that areas should be protected.
      • Acquiring land for conservation was overwhelmingly supported.
      • Preserving historic places and areas was supported by 91%.
      • The practice of income from the Land Use Tax going to the Conservation Commission was favorably supported. When asked if they supported raising the maximum amount of income (to be used for land protection) the response was overwhelmingly yes.
      • The importance of preserving open space was considered very important by 57%
      • Rivers, streams, and ponds were rated extremely important and ranked highest among the other choices given.
      • Also rated high in importance are actions of preservation such as preserving land to ensure water quality. Wildlife habitat and water quality were rated the highest.
      • In the short term, recreational categories were rated “somewhat important” whereas bodies of water, aquifers, and wildlife habitat were rated higher.
      • The best method for acquiring or restoring land was judged to be to apply for grants for the purchase of land.
      • The most popular way of enjoying Greenfield’s conservation lands was nature observation, followed by hiking, swimming, boating, and fishing.
      • In response to the question “Did you or anyone in your family visit any of the following areas?,” unpaved roads for walking scored the highest. The second highest was Greenfield State park, followed by Sunset Lake.
      • The survey also contained a series of open-ended questions, such as: “If the town could acquire an area for permanent protection, where would it be?  What topics are of interest to you?”
      • Bob Marshall pointed out the danger with the major response to the survey being online when Greenfield is very limited in its access to the internet. Karen Day suggested the commission circulate the survey every year via the Spirit so people will come to expect it and look forward to responding. 
      • Henry commented that at the end of the day, the survey gives the commission some new input and some conceptions and values from people in Greenfield.
    • Henry passed out copies of a draft of the NRI report to give commission members an idea of where things currently stand. One printed copy of the final report will be given to each member.  An Electronic version of the approved and accepted NRI will be available for posting to the town website.
      • Henry said that the NRI consisted of 2 parts: text and maps. He felt that the commission opted to go with a lot of map information. The text is generally a write-up on map themes and information from the past work of the commission.
      • The sections in the NRI include:  Introduction, Greenfield, Water Resources, Soils, Wildlife and Habitats, Historic and Cultural Resources, and Survey Results. Henry remarked that he didn’t plan to go through the draft page by page but would be happy to answer questions about certain sections, and the report’s organization and presentation.
      • Roger Lessard instructed commission members to review the draft before the next meeting. At the next meeting the commission can discuss suggestions to amend the contents and the responses can be collected for Henry.  Roger thanked Ken Paulsen for his photographs in the NRI. Henry spoke with Bob and Ken about improvements to Historic resources content.
      • Janet Renaud commented that the Greenfield Trails Association doesn’t like a lot of publicity as they have private agreements with many landowners.
      • Karen questioned why there was less verbiage than maps. Roger requested that people think about exactly what they feel is missing as they review the draft during the month and to specify what they feel is missing.
      • Neal Brown expressed the opinion that the draft is a very well presented document and that the graphics liven it up.  The NRI is for the town’s benefit not for the commission.
  2. Accept or Amend Previous Meeting Minutes
    • The commission did not address this topic but Roger had some suggestions to email to Janet Lutkus.
  3. Cornwall Rd. Site Walk Observations and Discussion – Roger Lessard and commission
    • Four commission members, Neal Brown, Karen Day, Roger Lessard, and Janet Renaud and Selectman Bob Marshall attended the site walk. Roger sent out a summary.  Roger has spoken with the selectboard about establishing a policy to alert the commission of where the DPW is working so the commission can oversee the work on behalf of the town. There is a new Department of Works person in Greenfield and he, the selectboard, and Roger are planning to meet to establish the policy.  Karen commented that she would prefer a policy over a guideline. Roger said it is agreed that there will be a policy.
  4. George Proctor Recreation Area
    • There is no chairperson of the Forestry committee.  Roger asked:  Is this Forestry committee just for the George Proctor property?  A Forestry committee generally oversees all of the town forests. Janet Renaud stated that Article36 is very specific to the George Proctor property alone.  
    • Roger stated that he believes that the Forestry committee was put together improperly. He expressed the opinion that members should be appointed by the selectboard and should rotate membership.     
    • Roger expressed the opinion that the chairperson of the Forestry committee should be a town resident and that the selectboard should re-appoint the committee with rotating terms.
    • Janet would like to have a separate area in the Conservation Commission’s section of the website for the George Proctor property.  She will send the Forestry Committee’s minutes to Roger and he will post them.
    • Janet expressed the opinion that the selectboard should get a legal opinion. Janet discussed stepping down from the committee and Roger taking her place.    
  5. Cilley Family Forest Celebration
    • Roger suggests the commission hold a repeat of what the Commission did last year. Neal said Ray Cilley is “on board with it.”  The event is to be held on September 23 with a rain date of September 24. It will be announced in the next issue of the Spirit.             
  6. Greenfield Conservation Commission Presence on Town Website
    • Janet Renaud expressed the opinion that the commission might form a subcommittee to get things posted on the website.  Roger seeks to make the commission more visible to the residents of Greenfield. Roger made a motion to create a subcommittee to determine what the commission’s presence on the web site will be.  Neal seconded the motion. There was unanimous agreement from those in attendance. Roger asked the question: Who will serve on the website subcommittee?  Stephanie Kokal agreed to chair and Candi Fowler agreed to serve on the subcommittee.  The members of the commission will send ideas to Stephanie who will compile the ideas and bring them to the next meeting. Karen will email Aaron Patt about web training for Candi and Karen.     
  7. GRANIT GIS Town Forest Project—Janet Renaud
    • The Extension service of Rockingham and Hillsboro counties are trying to map all the NH town owned forests and conservation lands and sent out email to all the planning boards.  They want the status on every piece of land.  There is no current deadline.  Janet Renaud is willing to take the lead with Roger’s help.  They will coordinate on a time to get together.       
  8. Perennial Calendar of GCC Events
    •   Roger sent this out to the commission.  It is a list of suggested things to do.  

The meeting officially adjourned at 9:10 PM. The next meeting is August 23, 2017 at 7:30 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus to Roger Lessard for approval, corrections, distribution, and posting.