Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Town of Greenfield

Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH

Selectboard’s Minutes

Tuesday, May 2, 2017 – 5:30 PM

Selectboard: Chair Margaret A. Charig Bliss, Selectman Stephen Atherton Jr., Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator;

Public: Lee LeBlanc, Grace Barker, Gary Russell, Karen Russell, Linda Dodge, Kristine Hall

Documents for Review/Approval

  1. A/P Check Register “ACH” 4/18/2017
  2. A/P Check Register 4/26/2017
  3. Employee Vacation Request
  4. Minutes of Selectboard Meeting
  5. Oak Park Rental
  6. Welfare Voucher

5:30 PM: Public Forum

At 5:30 pm Chairwoman Charig Bliss opened the meeting. It was noted that Lee LeBlanc, accompanied by Grace Barker were present with an issue to bring before the Board. Ms. LeBlanc introduced Mrs. Barker as a recent applicant to the Southern New Hampshire Service’s senior housing center. Mrs. Barker learned that there are a number of applicants on a waiting list. Ms. LeBlanc stated that in the past when SNHS was working to gain permission to build its facility, there was a promise made by SNHS staff that Greenfield residents would receive preferential priority when applying for the ability to live in the facility. Ms. Leblanc provided several documents as reference; she stated that while she remembers this being talked about at Town Meeting by staff of SNHS, she was unable to find anything in the minutes that was specific to this promise. Ms. LeBlanc requested that the Selectboard undertake whatever the Board can do to address SNHS. She suggested that the Board write a letter to SNHS and remind them that their employees made representation to Greenfield that its residents would be given preference so that they could continue to live in town.

The Chair motioned to accept the Consent Agenda. Selectman Marshall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously 3-0.

5:45 PM: Selectboard Work Session

At 5:50 pm, Gary Russell, President of the Greenfield Sportsman’s Club discussed several items with the Board. A fishing derby is planned for the 17th and 18th of June. A footbridge that was possibly installed by the Trails Association is now dangerous and should be removed or replaced. Mr. Russell asked the Board to follow-up with the Trails Association. A discussion on the Club’s insurance followed. Karen Russell asked if there is a Town policy on outside groups having insurance. Mrs. Russell stated that she thought the Trails Association should have insurance in order to use town property. Mr. Russell reported on a discussion that he had with Mr. Seigars about use of the property. Separately, Mr. Russell also had a discussion with Mr. Lehner when he and Mr. Lehner walked the property line together.

At 6:30 pm, Linda Dodge, asked to speak as both the previous meetings on the agenda were rescheduled. Mrs. Dodge is the President of the Firefighter’s Auxiliary. The Auxiliary rented Oak Park for a fire department fundraiser race. Mrs. Dodge reported that there were a number of issues with the kitchen and bathroom facilities. These included difficulties locking and unlocking the facilities, along with a number of other items associated with the fact that the building had not been opened previous to their event. There were also significant issues with the birds that nest in the pavilion. Significant clean-up by the Auxiliary was required before the building and pavilion could be used. Lastly, the thermocouple for the hot water heater was bad and the facility had no hot water.

The Selectboard discussed the issues at length and made a note to open the facility on April 15th every year so that the facilities would be ready and all issues worked out before the first rental. A review of the locks, bathrooms, water heater, and opening procedures would be conducted with the Buildings and Grounds Manager to help alleviate the issues that the Auxiliary brought to the meeting.

At 7:00 pm the Chair noted that a letter had been received from Conrad Dumas who is stepping down as Chair of the Conservation Committee and as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Selectboard agreed to accept the resignation and expressed their appreciation for the hard work that Mr. Dumas has performed on behalf of the Town of Greenfield over the years.

At 7:10 pm the Board discussed an auction proposal from St. Jean Auctioneers. Town Administrator Patt outlined that the Police Chief had been on a conference call with Town Counsel and had indicated that he understood what the town’s role in the auction would be, and that he was ready to move forward in support of the auction after the call.

Next, the Board discussed their schedule of meetings. It was noted that the Board would not be meeting on July 4th, 18th and August 1st and 15th during the summer months. The Board would resume its weekly meeting schedule on August 22nd.

Lastly, the Board discussed a report by Selectman Marshall of his conversation with Neal Beauregard DPW Roads Manager and Carol Burgess Recycling Center Manager about the DPW’s ability to make gravel from materials behind the mini-mall buildings. The discussion included a request to have both managers attend a meeting on the 16th with the Board in order to move forward with the project this year.


The time being 9:15 pm, Selectman Marshall moved to adjourn. The Chair seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.

The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Selectboard. A signed copy is on file in the Selectboard’s office.