Conservation Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Date:                   March 22, 2017

Attendees:         Karen Day, Conrad Dumas, Janet Renaud, Candi Fowler, Jim Trenz (guest), Stephanie Kokal, and Janet Lutkus (minute-taker)

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm. The following items were addressed:

  1. Call to order, organize agenda, mail, etc. – Conrad.
    • Conrad reviewed the correspondence – The items reviewed were:
      • Adele Hale sent Conrad email inquiring about the possibility of harvesting a town forest to raise money for the general fund.  The answer to this question is “yes” but the harvesting has to be managed.  A bid for the harvesting must be obtained based on the specific forest management plans. The Select board must approve of the process. The Koch Brown parcel has a Forest management plan.  A Conservation Commission member with Karla, Town Forester, must present the management plan to the Select Board. Karen said she would present the plan to the Select Board.  Candi made a motion that Karen and Karla present the Koch Brown Forest Management Plan to the Select Board.  Janet seconded the motion.  All present members of the commission approved the motion.  Action Item – Karen to present Koch Brown management plan to the Select Board.
      •  Conrad discussed a Sustainability Fair in Wilton on April 22 at which the commission is invited to participate in a round robin. Members of the commission discussed this. 
  2. New Business – Jim Trenz and commission members.
    • Requesting commission’s assistance to put land parcel into Conservation Easement  (Continued discussion from last meeting) -- Jim Trenz 
      • Conrad stated that the ability of the Conservation Committee to accept a gift of easement is subject to Select Board approval  according to RSA 36-A:4,i.  According to RSA 477:47, all grantees must sign.    
      • For Jim’s plan to be successful there must be a signed purchase and sales agreement for an amount at or below the appraised value for the property. 
      • Jim reported that the landowner will not agree to a purchase and sales agreement that includes a refundable deposit. Jim will not agree to a purchase and sales agreement without a refundable deposit.  
      • Members of the commission explained that the Conservation Committee does not have funding to protect the easement if it is challenged. 
      • Conrad quoted the “NH Municipal Conservation Fund Guide book“ which does not support the Conservation Committee’s funding of grant writing.
      • Committee members explained that the foundation needs to involve an entity to hold the easement.  Suggestions were made that Jim contact the Piscataquog Land Conservancy and the Francestown Land Trust.  The Conservation Commission cannot play the role of holding the easement. 
    • Roadside Round-up Planning for April 29 – Commission members
      • The members present reviewed Neal’s version of the Roadside Round-up checklist and Candi filled in names and status and emailed the completed list to commission members.
    • George Proctor stewardship update and upcoming site walk on 4/22 at 10:00 a.m.– Janet.
      • The first joint meeting of the Sportsmen’s Club and the Greenfield Conservation Commission was held on Tuesday February 28th at 5 pm. Carol and Janet met with Betsy Hardwick and Hunter Carbee and others. All were in agreement to protect the land.
      • All in attendance at the joint meeting agreed to begin with a site walk on April 22 at 10:00.
      • Another meeting is planned after the site walk to discuss implementing management plans.  
  • Presentation on Invasive Plants in NH to be held at the Greenfield Library -- Janet
    • Jami Bascom wants to coordinate with the commission to give a presentation with handouts at the library. No time frame has been given for the presentation. 
    • Janet made a motion to ask Jami to take the lead to move forward with an invasive species presentation for the library. Conrad seconded the motion. All commission members present approved.
    • Note: For more information on the source of information for the presentation, go to following link and scroll down to Guide: Invasive Plants in the Granite State:
  • Discussion of draft Implementation section of Greenfield Master Plan – Janet.
    • The Greenfield Planning board has drafted a section of the Master Plan called “Implementation”.  It contains goals and sections that are related to the Conservation Commission.  Janet read to the draft items to the commission members present and collected feedback. When the wording is approved by the Planning board, Janet will send the wording to the commission members for feedback.

The meeting officially adjourned at 9:16 PM. The next meeting is April 26, 2017 at 7:30 pm.